Protecting the word ‘Anzac’

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Protecting the word 'Anzac'

The Protection of Word 'Anzac' Regulations 1921 (Cth) (the Regulations) broadly state that to use the word 'Anzac' (or any word resembling the word 'Anzac') in an official or corporate manner, permission from the Minister for Veterans’ Affairs is required. The Use of the Word Anzac Guidelines (the Guidelines) associated with the Regulations can be found here.

The Department of Veterans’ Affairs (DVA) is responsible for the administration of the Regulations on the Minister’s behalf, including managing applications to use the word ‘Anzac’.

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Applying to Use the Word ‘Anzac’

Please Note: While we process all applications as quickly as possible, please allow up to four weeks for the process to be completed and to be notified of an outcome.  On rare occasions this may increase beyond four weeks, particularly around peak times leading up to Anzac Day.

Please read the Guidelines prior to applying to use the word ‘Anzac’.  Once you have read the Guidelines, complete the D9363 - Application for approval to use the word ‘Anzac' form and select email. If you experiencing difficulties emailing the form via the email button, download and complete the form and email it to There is no fee to apply.

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