Claims for reservists
Australian Defence Force reservists can get compensation for medical conditions or deaths caused by their service. In some cases, reservists can also get treatment for mental health conditions without needing to link those conditions to service.
On this page
Who we cover
All ADF reserve service gives you access to DVA entitlements. This includes both part-time service and full-time service. We sometimes refer to full-time service as ‘continuous full-time service’ (CFTS) if a reserve member has been formally appointed to full-time service by Defence.
Back to topWhat entitlements you can get
Reservists get the same range of benefits as permanent force members. Having said this, we do have to use a different formula to work out incapacity payments for reservists.
The incapacity payment:
- replaces any income a person loses because their medical condition affects how much they can work
- amounts are based on the difference between your normal earnings (before your injury) and your actual earnings (after you are injured).
Reservists can be either full time or part time, and have incomes from both civilian work and ADF work. Because of this, we work out their normal and actual earnings in a different way from permanent force members.
Back to topWhat if you get sick or injured
You can get compensation and treatment for any medical conditions your reserve service causes. This is also the case if reserve service causes a condition you already had to worsen.
Back to topWhat mental health treatment you can get
If your reserve service includes a period of CTFS, you can access fully funded treatment of mental health conditions under Non-Liability Health Care (NLHC). If you don’t have any CFTS, you can still get this mental health treatment if you have done reserve service days that included:
- Disaster Relief Service, such as Operation Vic Fire Assist
- Border Protection Service, such as Operation RESOLUTE
- Disaster Relief Assistance, such as Operation COVID-19 ASSIST
- involvement in a serious ADF training accident.
Mental health conditions treated under NLHC (mental health) do not need to be related to military service, and a claim for compensation is not required to access this treatment. This treatment can be accessed for as long as it is needed, at no cost to you.
Accessing NLHC (mental health)
If your reserve service includes a period of CFTS, you may automatically receive a Veteran White Card. This covers mental health treatment when you leave the ADF.
If you meet the eligibility criteria but do not have a White Card, you can apply for non-liability mental health treatment by:
- going to our website online claim
- submitting a request in writing, including via email to
Getting out-of-pocket treatment expenses back
If you have privately visited a doctor for treatment, we can reimburse you for that cost if:
- you have claimed compensation from us for that medical condition and we have accepted your claim
- the treatment is of a kind and cost that we think is reasonable for that condition.
How to make a claim
To make a claim, you can apply online through MyService.
Alternatively, you can complete a claim form. You can get these at your nearest DVA office or on our website.
Back to topWhat services and support are available for family members
If a reservist dies because of their service, the following dependants can get compensation:
- their partner
- dependent children.
These dependants can also get compensation if both of the following apply:
- The reservist’s death was caused by service after 30 June 2004.
- The reservist already had a high level of service-related medical conditions before their death.
You can tell that the reservist has a high level of service-related medical conditions if they are receiving a Special Rate Disability Pension or the maximum rate of permanent impairment compensation.
Dependants of a reservist who has died might also be able to get bereavement payments and assistance with funeral costs.
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