50th Anniversary of Operation Ivanhoe and the Battle of Nui Le


The Department of Veterans’ Affairs (DVA) was scheduled to conduct a national commemorative service marking the 50th anniversary of Operation Ivanhoe and the Battle of Nui Le.  This service was to be conducted at the Australian Vietnam Forces National Memorial on Monday 20 September 2021.

With the current health restrictions in place and to ensure the health and safety of veterans, their families and the community, a commemorative service at the Australian Vietnam Forces National Memorial was unable to take place.

In order to honour the service and sacrifice of not only of the six servicemen who died, but all those who served in Operation Ivanhoe and the Battle of Nui Le, a ‘virtual’ commemorative service was broadcast on the ABC on Monday 20 September at 10.30am. The service was also live streamed on DVA’s Facebook page and YouTube channel.

Below are two Orders of Service – one for this ‘virtual’ service and the other for the full Commemorative Service as it would have been conducted at the Australian Vietnam Forces National Memorial.

Document set

Operation Ivanhoe and the Battle of Nui Le order of service publication cover

Download 50th Anniversary of Operation Ivanhoe and the Battle of Nui Le Order of Service

50th Anniversary of Operation Ivanhoe and the Battle of Nui Le publication cover

Download 50th Anniversary of Operation Ivanhoe and the Battle of Nui Le