What happened to factsheets
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Old factsheet number | Old factsheet name | Page replacing this factsheet |
BR04 | Bereavement Information | Bereavement payments, funeral benefits and other assistance under the VEA |
CEP01 | Energy Supplement | Energy supplement |
CEP03 | Essential Medical Equipment Payment | Essential Medical Equipment Payment |
DP01 | Overview of Disability Pensions and Allowances | Overview of Disability Compensation Payments and allowances |
DP02 | Disability pension entitlements for service in wars, conflicts and operational deployments | Eligibility during and after the Second World War |
DP13 | Asbestos Screening Program | Asbestos and chemical exposure health check |
DP15 | Defence and Peacekeeping Service under the Veterans’ Entitlements Act 1986 | Defence and peacekeeping service under the VEA |
DP18 | Making a Claim/Applying for an Increase in Disability Pension | Apply for the Disability Compensation Payment under the VEA |
DP22 | Statements of Principles | Statements of principles |
DP23 | DVA Compensation Assessment Guides - GARP | Our guides to assess compensation |
DP28 | General Rate | General Rate |
DP29 | Special and Intermediate Rates (TPI & TTI) | Special and Intermediate rates |
DP30 | Extreme Disablement Adjustment | Extreme Disablement Adjustment |
DP42 | Motorcycle GST Rebate Scheme | Motorcycle GST rebate scheme |
DP43 | Disability Pension and War Widow(er)’s Pension Rates and Allowances | Rates for the Disability Compensation Payment and War Widow(er)’s Pension |
DP50 | Calculation of Disability Pension and Allowances Payments | How we calculate payments under the VEA |
DP60 | War Widow(er)’s Pension and Orphan’s Pension | Pension for orphans and war widow(er)s |
DP71 | Additional Disability Pension for Specific Disabilities | Additional Disability Compensation Payment for specific disabilities |
DP72 | Attendant Allowance | Attendant Allowance |
DP73 | Clothing Allowance | Clothing Allowance |
DP74 | Decoration Allowance and Victoria Cross Allowance | Victoria Cross Allowance |
DP74 | Decoration Allowance and Victoria Cross Allowance | Decoration Allowance |
DP75 | Loss of Earnings Allowance | Loss of earnings allowance |
DP76 | Recreation Transport Allowance | Recreation Transport Allowance |
DP78 | Vehicle Assistance Scheme | Vehicle Assistance Scheme |
DP79 | Supply of Cars or Car Parts GST-free | Supply of cars or car parts GST-free |
DP81 | War Widow(er)'s Pension and Compensation Offsetting | War widow(er)'s pension and compensation offsetting |
DP82 | Disability Pension and Compensation Offsetting | Disability Compensation Payment and compensation offsetting |
DP83 | British Nuclear Test Participants and Members of the British Commonwealth Occupation Force | Support for members of the British Commonwealth Occupation Force and people who served in Japan |
DP85 | Calculating a fortnightly equivalent disability pension offset using the Australian Government Actuarial Tables | Pension offsetting using Actuarial Tables |
DP86 | British Nuclear Test Defence Service under the Veterans' Entitlements Act 1986 (VEA) | Service covered under the VEA |
DVA06 | Proof of Identity Requirements | Proof of Identity |
DVA23 | Notifying DVA of your compensation payment | When to notify us if you receive a compensation payment |
F111-01 | Overview of benefits and services for F-111 workers | Overview of benefits and services you may receive |
F111-02 | Tier Classification and Tier Definitions | Learn about tier classifications and groups |
F111-07 | The SHOAMP Health Care Scheme | SHOAMP health care scheme |
F111-09 | The Better Health Program | The Better Health Program |
Factsheet DVA03 | Overview of DVA Benefits and Services | Overview of DVA benefits and services |
Factsheet MCS07 | Permanent Impairment | Permanent impairment payments under the DRCA |
FIP01 | Access to Information | Access to information |
FIP04 | Confidentiality of Social Security (Centrelink) pension information | Confidentiality of Social Security (Centrelink) pension information |
GS01 | Overview of Grants Programs | Overview of our Grants Programs |
GS02 | Building Excellence in Support and Training (BEST) | Building Excellence in Support and Training |
GS04 | The Long Tan Bursary | Long Tan Bursary |
GS04 | The Long Tan Bursary | Long Tan Bursary |
GS05 | Grants-In-Aid (GIA) Program | Grants in Aid |
HAC01 | Defence Service Home Loans | Defence Service Homes loans |
HAC02 | Defence Service Homes Insurance Scheme | Defence Service Homes Insurance Scheme |
HCS01 | Veterans’ Home Care | Veterans' Home Care (VHC) |
HCS10 | Coordinated Veterans’ Care (CVC) Social Assistance | Coordinated Veterans' Care (CVC) Social Assistance |