Apply now for funding for Veterans’ Health Week events
Veterans’ Health Week 2022 will be held from 1 to 9 October as one of our favourite weeks to highlight the importance of being healthy. This year’s focus is on healthy eating habits and improving your nutrition knowledge with the theme, Eat Well.
Community groups and ex-service organisations (ESOs) are invited to apply for funding to help host a Veterans’ Health Week event. Organisations can receive $720 in funding to run an event for veterans and families in your local area.
Hosting or participating in a Veterans’ Health Week event is a fantastic way to support veterans and families locally, raise awareness of particular health concerns that veterans may face and promote better health and wellbeing through healthy lifestyle choices.
Event organisers are encouraged to get creative in planning events. Some ideas of events could include a community picnic, a guided tour of a local supermarket or farmer’s market, hosting a cooking challenge or starting a community garden to grow fresh produce.
All funded and registered events will be published at closer to the Veterans’ Health Week dates so make sure to keep an eye on the DVA website. Events can be held in the fortnight before and after the official dates.
Applications for funding close 30 September 2022.
To apply for funding and for more information, visit the Veterans' Health Week webpage. For information on healthy eating, including a copy of the Australian Dietary Guidelines, visit the Eat For Health website.