The Australian War Memorial extends opening hours to honour Vietnam veterans

In recognition of the 50th anniversary of the end of Australia's involvement in the Vietnam War, the Australian War Memorial will open its doors after hours to welcome Vietnam veterans and their families.

The Commemorative Area and galleries will be accessible to Vietnam veterans and their families on Friday 18 August from 5:45 pm to 7:45 pm, and on Saturday 19 August from 8:00 am to 10:00 am. During the Last Post Ceremony on Friday 18 August, Redgum singer John Schumann will perform ‘I Was Only 19’, released post-war to tell the story of an Australian soldier’s experience serving in Vietnam. Veterans seeking to book a free ticket to attend these sessions should visit

All Australians are encouraged to honour and remember the dedication of approximately 60,000 Australian men and women who served in the Vietnam War, alongside their families. Tragically, the decade long conflict claimed the lives of 523 Australians, and over 3,000 suffered wounds.

The arrival of the Australian Army Training Team Vietnam in South Vietnam during July and August 1962 was the beginning of Australia's involvement in the Vietnam War.

Australia's participation in the war was officially declared at an end when the Governor-General issued a proclamation on 11 January 1973. The only combat troops remaining in Vietnam were a platoon guarding the Australian embassy in Saigon, which was withdrawn in June 1973.

The Vietnam War was the longest conflict Australia was involved in during the 20th Century. To learn more about Australia’s involvement in the Vietnam War, visit the Anzac Portal.

To acknowledge the 50th anniversary the Department of Veterans’ Affairs has produced a Commemorative Medallion and Certificate of Commemoration, eligible to every living veteran, widows of veterans and other family members of veterans of the Vietnam War.

A national service will also take place at the Australian Vietnam Forces National Memorial in Canberra on Friday 18 August 2023, starting from 10:00 am. The service will be broadcast live on ABC for those who cannot attend.

For more information about the 50th anniversary or to apply for a commemorative medallion, visit