Claims processing data – March 2024

You may have heard the Department of Veterans’ Affairs (DVA) has recently cleared the backlog of claims that had yet to be allocated to a DVA officer for processing. With the claims allocation backlog addressed, we are now able to focus even more effort on processing outstanding claims as quickly as possible, and reducing the amount of time it takes for a determination to be made on all claims.

As part of our commitment to routinely, publicly, and meaningfully reporting on its progress as part of the Australian Government’s response to the Royal Commission into Defence and Veteran Suicide’s Interim Report, each month DVA releases updated data via the claims processing page.

In March 2024:

  • DVA received 7,946 claims, compared to 6,348 in March 2023 
  • DVA made 9,043 determinations, compared to 6,627 in March 2023 
  • 73,987 claims were with an officer for processing and 1,682 claims were yet to be allocated for processing (DVA aims to allocate new claims to an officer within 2 weeks of receipt)
  • The average time taken to process a MRCA IL claim was 377 days in the 2023-24 financial year to date (FYTD) (1 July 2023 to 31 March 2024), compared to 432 days in the corresponding 2022-23 FYTD.

Please contact us or an advocate if you have any questions about submitting a claim. More information about making a claim for a service-related condition and eligibility for benefits and payments is available on the DVA website.