Launch of DVA TV

Today, DVA launches its new YouTube channel: DVA TV.

DVA TV will raise awareness of the support and services we offer. It will also share veterans’ stories, and commemorate and recognise their service to our nation.

Content on DVA TV will range from information about accessing support from DVA, recognition of commemorative events and veteran’s stories, and important announcements from the Department.

Over time, DVA TV will create an important archive for our nation by collecting the stories of veterans for future generations, told by the veterans themselves.

DVA TV is a resource for the veteran community and we welcome feedback and ideas on content we can produce for the channel.

If you have a story you would like to share, get in touch with our Communications team by emailing communications [at] (communications[at]dva[dot]gov[dot]au)

DVA TV is hosted on YouTube at:

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