Naval Association salute to War Widows

A message from the Naval Association of Australia (Queensland)

The Naval Association will be commemorating the War Widows in our March Ceremony, specifically honouring the legacy of Mrs Jessie Vasey, an extraordinary woman way ahead of her time. 

She was an educated and well-to-do woman who had great empathy for those who couldn’t speak for themselves. She was a tour de force who dealt with her own widowhood and grief by changing the lives of others.

The Naval Association of Australia salute to the War Widows will take place on Thursday 28 March at 10.30am at the Jack Tar statue at Southbank in Brisbane (next to the Ship Inn). 

All welcome.

Below: Jess Vasey; Bottom: Guild members learning to weave

Old black and white photo of smiling woman


Six women gathered round a loom