Recognition of veterans’ contribution to Australia’s workforce

The finalists and winners of eight award categories in this year’s Prime Minister’s Veterans’ Employment Awards will be announced in coming weeks.

These awards acknowledge the great diversity of organisations of all types and sizes that employ and support veterans and the partners of current serving Australian Defence Force members.

Minister for Veterans’ Affairs and Minister for Defence Personnel Andrew Gee said that these awards are important in acknowledging the organisations that support veteran employees, and this year’s veteran winners bring their own unique and inspiring stories of success.

This year’s awards attracted 125 nominations across the eight award categories, from a diverse range of organisations across the private and public sector. A testament that Australian businesses and government are recognising the value that veterans bring to the workforce.

The date of the announcements is yet to be finalised so keep an eye on the Prime Minister’s Veterans Employment Program Awards website, which will include a full list of winners and finalists.


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