Scootaville NSW wraps up

A message from the Radschool Association

In November 2024, 20 men and women, mostly veterans, climbed aboard motor scooters and set out from Clarendon near RAAF Richmond in NSW on a 15-day journey that would take them through Singleton, Mudgee, Dubbo, Parkes, Wagga, Queanbeyan, Bathurst and back to Clarendon.

This is the third year, an event of this kind, known as Scootaville, has taken place. They usually take place in Queensland but last year NSW was added and this year Scootaville will also take place in Victoria.

Scootaville is a registered charity that raises money for Legacy and the Air Force Association, which raises money for homeless veterans.

You can read a full account of the 2024 NSW trip on the radschool website.

Scootaville also offers an opportunity for ex-service personnel to come together, reconnect with the community, to discuss with their peers any problems they’ve having, and to explore and bring attention to the regional areas they pass through.

This year, there will be two Scootaville events, one in Queensland in August and another in Victoria in November. Both will include big events that are in the planning stages now. Unfortunately we have had to defer the NSW event until 2026 due to health problems.

 If you would like to be considered for either the Queensland or the Victoria event – or both – please visit the Scootaville website, and fill in the form. 

Map of NSW showing route taken by Scootaville


About a dozen men sitting on motor scooters posing for camera

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