Transport support available

Transport assistance

Under the Repatriation Transport Scheme (RTS), Veteran Gold and White Card holders can receive assistance towards travel costs to attend treatment within Australia. Note that Veteran White Card holders must be travelling to receive treatment for an accepted service-related condition to be eligible for travel assistance.

Travel reimbursements

You will need to make your own arrangements to use a private vehicle or public transport and then submit a reimbursement claim to DVA. You can also receive an allowance for accommodation for yourself and your medically approved travel attendant. A meal allowance may also be payable depending on how far you travel.

You will need to lodge a ‘Claim for Travelling Expenses’ (D0800) form within 12 months of your travel by downloading the D0800 form. Claims can also be submitted online via your MyService account.

RTS rates of payment are indexed annually on 1 July in line with the Consumer Price Index. You can find these rates on DVA’s Claim travel expenses under the RTS webpage.

DVA’s travel team can also help you if you are unable to pay for your travel costs upfront. You can call them on 1800 VETERAN (1800 838 372) during business hours.

DVA-arranged travel

DVA may arrange your travel using the Booked Car with Driver (BCWD) service to transport you to certain treatment locations:

  • If you are a Veteran Gold Card holder or Veteran White Card holder (travelling to receive treatment for an accepted service-related condition) and aged 80 years (or older), legally blind or suffering from dementia, you are automatically eligible for the BCWD service to all approved treatment locations.
  • If you are a Veteran Gold Card holder or Veteran White Card holder (travelling to receive treatment for an accepted service related condition) and aged 79 years (or younger) and you are travelling to a specific treatment location and have one or more of the specific medical conditions, you are eligible to travel to that specific treatment location.
  • Specific treatment locations and medical conditions are detailed on DVA’s Arrange for a taxi or hire car webpage.
  • To make a BCWD booking you can either book online using MyService, or call DVA on 1800 550 455 between 8:00am and 5:00pm local time in each state and territory.
  • If your health provider is registered with DVA’s online services, they can request transport through their online account.
  • Your authorised representative, health provider or medically required attendant can also call DVA to make a booking on your behalf.
  • If you need travel after hours or on the weekend, you must arrange it with DVA during office hours. DVA will provide you with your booking details and a contact number for the transport provider so you can check pick up details, or make changes to the booking, directly with the transport operator.
  • If you do not arrange your transport with DVA during office hours, you will need to make your own arrangements and claim reimbursement from DVA.

Ambulance services

Emergency (dial 000) and non-emergency (arranged by your health provider, must be clinically necessary) ambulance services are also available. You can call DVA on 1800 550 455 if:

  • you need further information about the RTS;
  • you are travelling a long distance; or
  • you need DVA to book transport for you.

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