UK minister joins Veterans’ Ministerial Council meeting

Veterans' Ministerial Council 2023

Minister for Veterans’ Affairs Matt Keogh hosted state and territory ministers responsible for veterans’ matters at the Veterans’ Ministerial Council meeting in Perth on 6 October. The ministers committed to strengthening national collaboration on the services and supports available for veterans and their families.

Also in attendance was the United Kingdom’s Minister of State for Veterans’ Affairs, the Right Hon Johnny Mercer MP, who was visiting Australia.

Minister Mercer provided an update on matters of importance to veterans and families and shared insights into the United Kingdom’s veteran landscape.

Ministers discussed opportunities for national harmonisation and mutual recognition of relevant identification documents, such as concession cards.

The Council agreed the Royal Commission into Defence and Veteran Suicide has made it abundantly clear more needs to be done to support the mental health and wellbeing of Defence personnel, veterans and families.

The Council was briefed on the development of the inaugural joint Defence and Veteran Mental Health and Wellbeing Strategy and progress on the Veterans’ and Families’ Hubs program, including a tour of the RSL Anzac House Hub. The recently released Veteran Transition Strategy and the implementation of the recommendations of the Interim Report of the Royal Commission into Defence and Veteran Suicide.

With a commitment to improving mental health outcomes for Australian veterans and families, ministers discussed a national approach to the accreditation of psychiatric assistance dogs and agreed to work together to progress national standards.

Representatives from the Western Australian and South Australian governments delivered a presentation on the work they are doing to better support and understand veterans in the corrective services system. The Council discussed the need to improve data collection relating to veterans’ incarceration and homelessness, with research into these issues currently underway.

Minister Keogh closed the meeting by acknowledging the benefits of cross jurisdiction collaboration on programs to improve the lives of veterans and families.

Ministers Emma Davidson (ACT), David Harris (NSW), Paul Kirby (NT), Bart Mellish (QLD), Guy Barnett (TAS), Natalie Suleyman (VIC) and Paul Papalia (WA) attended from the states and territories.

Before the Council meeting, ADF and ex-service organisation representatives joined the Ministers at a commemorative service at the Cenotaph in Perth’s Kings Park.