Are your bank details up to date? Don’t miss out on the second $750 Economic Support Payment
The second round of $750 Economic Support Payments will be paid to Australian residents who receive eligible benefits from Services Australia or DVA on 10 July 2020.
Eligible DVA benefits are:
- Service Pension, Partner Service Pension, Income Support Supplement or Veteran Payment
- Disability Pension
- Special Rate Disability Pension
- Permanent Impairment compensation
- War Widow(er)’s Pension or Wholly Dependent Partner payment
- Gold Cards, Commonwealth Seniors Health Cards and Pensioner Concession Cards
- Age Pension paid by DVA
These payments will be made automatically to eligible people’s nominated bank accounts from mid July 2020.
There is no need to lodge a claim, but you should ensure that DVA has your correct bank details and address so you can receive your payment.
To make sure your details are correct, log in to MyService or call DVA on 1800 VETERAN (1800 838 372)