Australia put on a La Nina Watch – Are you prepared?
Earlier in the year, the Bureau of Meteorology declared that a La Niña event had developed in the Pacific Ocean, which would bring more rainfall across much of Australia through Spring, and more tropical cyclones in the country’s north. While a La Niña usually lasts for between 9 and 12 months, the previous one lasted longer (2010–2012), bringing with it the wettest two years on record.
Climate models indicate the La Niña is likely to persist until at least the early part of 2021, bringing heavy rain, high winds and hail, causing potential damage to homes, affecting families and finances.
To assist you, DSH Insurance has developed the Natural Disasters – Homeowners Information Pack, which includes a Household Evacuation kit, and useful links for emergency situations.
Maintaining your property is your first line of defence against extreme weather conditions. With summer fast approaching, now is the time to take care of the gutter clearing and yard tidying that you've been putting off.
Supporting you when the unexpected happens – Queensland hail
At DSH Insurance, our first priority is the safety of our policyholders, so if your home has been affected due to the recent hailstorm, our crew are on the ground to assist.
Our staff and partners managed 200 calls within the first 24 hours of the hail event on 31 October – with immediate assistance provided to more than 100 policyholders.
Our make-safe contractors and builders attended the worst affected properties. This work ensures claims are managed efficiently so that policyholders are back in their homes as soon as possible.
During this time, 357 claims were lodged and more than 1,000 calls received in that first week.
Defence Service Homes (DSH) Insurance offers comprehensive home building insurance with competitive premiums and claims support tailored specifically for our ADF members, veterans and their families.
Visit the DSH Insurance website or call 1300 552 662 for more information.