Connecting with DVA
Veteran Access Network
Remote (telephone) service delivery is occurring in Victoria while the COVID-19 situation warrants reduced movement and limited face-to-face service provision.
In all other states and territories, services are being provided in line with COVID-safe social-distancing requirements. DVA will continue to uphold the recommended measures to ensure the health and safety of all. Service delivery continues to be available via telephone and online through MyService.
Limited booked face-to-face service delivery is returning to Veteran Access Network (VAN) shopfronts for veterans and their families. The department can be contacted by calling 1800 VETERAN (1800 838 372) to arrange a face-to-face appointment where necessary. Veterans and their families will be unable to visit a VAN shopfront without an appointment.
Veterans and their families, many of whom are in higher risk categories, are still encouraged to use telephone and online services in the first instance by accessing MyService, lodging an online enquiry or calling 1800 VETERAN (1800 838 372).
Veteran Support Officers
DVA's Veteran Support Officers (VSO) have returned to the majority of Defence bases.
VSOs provide personalised DVA advice and services to all ADF members. They can advise on your current and future DVA entitlements, assist in establishing a MyService account, explain how to navigate DVA’s online services, assist in lodging an injury/illness claim and provide tailored transition support.
To arrange an appointment, please email vso [at] (vso[at]dva[dot]gov[dot]au).