Get support for social wellbeing and employment

DVA is running a trial program to provide eligible veterans with a tailored support plan to help with social wellbeing and/or employment in civilian life.

For some, this may be through sport, new hobbies or short programs. Or you may feel you need to work on a particular barrier for social wellbeing, such as losing weight, learning relaxation techniques, or gaining confidence in public settings.   

The program can help participants who are unemployed or want to take their career to another level. You may want help to adjust to the civilian workplace. To achieve these goals you can do training on resume writing, interview skills, or on how to adapt to the civilian workforce.  

If you have not yet had liability accepted by DVA, you may be eligible to participate.

Participants are allocated a professional consultant who will develop an activity plan that aligns with your individual goals and needs.

The activity plan will last for three to six months and can include support funded by DVA to:

  • build new social connections in your local community
  • become job-ready
  • change careers or adjust to the civilian workforce
  • provide assistance to get a Medicare Card or engage a suitable GP.

The trial ends 31 December 2023 and there is no cost to participate.

If this sounds like something you are interested in, send us an email at NLR [at] (NLR[at]dva[dot]gov[dot]au) and we’ll send you more information about the program, including what it covers and what it doesn’t. We’ll also send you a questionnaire to help us work out the support services that may suit you.

For more information, visit the DVA website.