Government seeks your feedback on veterans' legislative reform

DVA is seeking submissions from the community on reforming veterans’ legislation.

The Australian Government recently agreed to Recommendation 1 of the Royal Commission into Defence and Veteran Suicide Interim Report, which called for the development and passage of legislation to simplify and harmonise the framework for veterans’ compensation, rehabilitation and other entitlements.

Minister for Veterans’ Affairs Matt Keogh said the Government is determined to deliver on its commitment to implement this recommendation in accordance with the timeline set out by the Royal Commission.

‘The existing legislative framework is too complex, making it challenging for the department to process claims, and difficult for veterans to access the services and support they need,’ Minister Keogh said.

Recommendations to change the veterans’ legislative framework were made by the Productivity Commission in its 2019 inquiry report A Better Way to Support Veterans. The Royal Commission identified some of these recommendations for Government to consider as part of this reform process. The Government is now seeking feedback on both the recommendations made by the Productivity Commission and the Royal Commission in relation to legislative reform.

‘This is an important opportunity for the community to share their views on how we can improve the legislation in line with the recommendations of the Productivity Commission’s report,’ Minister Keogh said.

‘I encourage current serving and ex-serving members of the Australian Defence Force, family members, ex-service organisations, medical providers and others who interact with the veteran and family system to share their views.’

Those wishing to provide feedback can do so by 14 November 2022 via the legislation consultation page of the DVA website.