The hidden risk of stressful times—family and domestic violence

An unfortunate side effect of this increase in stress is an increased risk or escalation of family and domestic violence.

Family and domestic violence is often a hidden crime that is not limited to a gender, age or ability. Family and domestic violence is about controlling someone through violent, threatening, coercive or any other behaviour that is designed to make a person feel fearful.

DVA is committed to shining a light on family and domestic violence and recently released our Family and Domestic Violence Strategy. We want to break the stigma around family and domestic violence, encouraging more survivors to seek help and to work with those who use violence to help them stop.

If you, or someone you know, is in immediate danger call 000 for assistance. Open Arms – Veterans and Families Counselling is available 24/7 for support on 1800 011 046.

DVA’s Family and Domestic Violence Strategy 2020-2025 can be found on the website:

DVA Family and Domestic Violence Strategy poster