MyAccount has been closed
Over the last 12 months, we’ve been making changes that will give you and all veterans a better, more accessible experience online.
MyAccount was turned off on 10 December 2021 and MyService is now the one-stop access point to all your DVA online services.
As part of the transition to MyService, DVA reviewed which MyAccount features to transition to the newer platform. Some features are not available in MyService and this Factsheet for Veterans provides more information.
Why did DVA close MyAccount?
MyService has been designed to improve access to DVA online services for all DVA clients. It has been developed and tested with veterans for use on multiple devices and browsers, including mobile phones and tablets, which MyAccount was not. This means you can access DVA online services on your preferred device wherever you have an internet connection.
Now that MyAccount has closed, you can access our online services faster with fewer clicks, and go straight to MyService.
If you haven’t logged into MyService for a while, take some time to login and look around. MyService is available through myGov.
I didn’t save my letters. Can I get replacements?
All the letters we send are stored in a central location. If you need a copy of a letter, we can retrieve and resend it. If you weren’t able to save your letters, you can request replacements by calling 1800 VETERAN (1800 838 372).
Where will my letters be sent now that MyAccount is closed?
We’re working on making changes so you can receive DVA correspondence in your myGov inbox in the near future.
Now that MyAccount has been turned off, your MyAccount inbox is no longer accessible. Until they’re available in your myGov inbox, the letters you used to receive in your MyAccount inbox will be sent to you via Australia Post.
We’re here to help
If you have questions about this change, contact us on 1800 VETERAN (1800 838 372) for help and advice.