MyService enhancements

DVA is continuing to improve and expand MyService to make it easier for you to do your DVA business online. From 3 December 2021, MyService will show more information to help you understand your Qualifying Service eligibility and status of your Lump Sum Advance claims.

Qualifying Service

In certain cases we can automatically determine whether you have Qualifying Service. If this is the case for you, you’ll see a Qualifying Service – auto determined claim in MyService on your Claims page with the ‘Approved’ status.  When you click on ‘View’ next to the claim, information about the decision will be displayed. Information about the decision will also be displayed on your Service History page.

If we can't automatically determine your Qualifying Service, you can submit an application in MyService and your claim will appear on your Claims page. 

If you’re not sure if you have Qualifying Service, check the Qualifying Service page on the DVA website.

Lump Sum Advance

If you apply for a Lump Sum Advance, you can see more information and manage your Lump Sum Advance claims in one location in MyService.

There are certain times of the year when processing of Lump Sum Advance claims may be delayed. For example, at the end of the financial year and during reduced staffing periods such as Easter and Christmas. A banner will be displayed in MyService during these periods so you’re aware there may be a delay in processing your claim.

More information

If you need help, call 1800 VETERAN (1800 838 372).

Register for a MyService account.