School children write letters to veterans for Anzac Day 2020

The Department of Veterans’ Affairs has agreed to publish a few of the letters (with the consent of the children’s parents) so that they might reach as many veterans as possible this Anzac Day.

Due to the current health crisis, Anzac Day 2020 will be commemorated differently and we hope that these letters of appreciation from the next generation of Australians go some way to filling the gap for our veteran community.

If you know an Australian military veteran, please share these letters with them for Anzac Day.

Lest we forget.

Aliera - Grade 6 – 11 years old - Jindera NSW

Letter to the veteran from Aliera Tucker

Dear Soldier,

Your hard work and determination has led your nation through wars and troubles. The medals that you wear on your chest means something special, every single time you look down at your medals it helps you remember what you did for Australia. You left your family and friends and the people you love, to fight for your nation, but you knew in your heart it was the right thing to do. You did the job because of how much you love your country! You showed passion, initiative, resilience and respect for your nation – Australia – which Australians are very [proud] to be a part of, because of what you did for our nation.

You are amazing.

You are a fighter.

You’re a hero.

Lest we forget.

From Aliera Tucker, 11 years old, Anzac Day 2020

Katy - Grade 6 – 11 years old – Manly NSW

Letter to the veteran from Katy – Manly NSW

Dear Veteran,

We can’t be with you this Anzac Day but we wanted to let you know that we are still grateful for your service and sacrifice.

On Anzac Day we usually see people marching and coming together to say thank you. We hope that this letter is enough for today and we can still keep the Anzac spirit alive.

Thank you for your service,


Victoria – Grade 8 – 13 years old - Thornleigh NSW

Dear Veteran,

Firstly, I would like to say a massive ‘thank you’ for your service and sacrifice because they are the reasons that we are able to live in such peace and prosperity today. Our happiness and safety that we take for granted will always be on the back of the many hardships that you had undergone.

Normally, Anzac Day is all about your valour as we gather throughout Australia to show our gratitude and respect. This year, however, due to the special circumstances we are unfortunately not able to do so. Nevertheless, through this letter and many more that you are sure to receive, I would like to reassure you that you will always have a special place in the hearts of the Australian people as well as people all over the world. Nothing can diminish the importance of your dedication nor the spirit of Anzac Day.

We will still be commemorating your efforts that will never be forgotten even if we are at our separate homes. In fact, I believe since we are amidst the battle against coronavirus this year, it allows us to learn from your bravery even more as we attempt to face this situation just like how you confronted the battlefield, No matter what, your legacy will always live on, as we saw earlier this year how the firefighters fought the bushfires and now, how the medical staff are working tirelessly to defend our people against the virus. Always know, that it is your heroism which is continuing to inspire generations of Australians.

Once again, thank you for all that you had done for the Australian people.




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