Community once again at centre of Anzac Day
The Anzac Day legacy was proudly on display in local communities across Australia. As a nation we collectively said ‘we will remember them’ — the fallen, those who currently serve, our veterans and their families.
Thousands of Australians either attended in person or watched the live broadcast of the Dawn Service and National Ceremony at the Australian War Memorial. Meanwhile, many more paid their respects at the end of their driveways, at local memorials or community commemorative services, or simply in their lounge rooms.
While overseas services where scaled back, Australians were still remembered at small local ceremonies in places such as Turkey and France.
The Virtual Poppy Wall was flooded with messages of remembrance, including from many schoolchildren, such as 13-year-old Elli who wrote, ‘Thank you to the brave Anzacs who helped serve this country in the wars. How much they did for us and the sacrifices they made will never be forgotten’.
DVA’s digital Anzac Day kitbag was downloaded thousands of times, with aged-care workers and scout groups among those to put these resources to good use.
The stories from our veteran community were on the airwaves, social media, online and TV. They included the story of Joe Flick, a proud Indigenous Australian whose grandfather served. Joe now devotes his time to remembering the service and sacrifice of all Indigenous service men and women.
Another story was that of modern-day veteran Alison Lee, who recalled an Anzac Day experience while she was serving. Alison had the honour of raising the Australian flag at the American base where she was posted. This allowed her to start a conversation with American soldiers about Anzac Day and what it means to Australians.
As we continue into 2022, regardless of what future challenges may present, the Anzac Day legacy will endure.

The Dawn Service at the Australian War Memorial, Canberra.

Alison Lee, who raised the Australian flag at the US base where she was posted.