Kookaburra Kids Connect goes international

Kookaburra Kids aims to empower young people to thrive beyond the impacts of family mental illness, regardless of where they live.

Its Defence Kids program provides these supports especially for those whose parents have served or are serving in the Australian Defence Force.

Through its Kookaburra Kids Connect program, the Foundation has expanded its program beyond in-person camps and activity days so that young people can benefit from its ongoing support regardless of where they live. The newest members to join the Kookaburra Kids Connect sessions are currently living in South-East Asia.

The Foundation supports children, aged between 8 and 18 years old, living in families impacted by mental illness. It provides free evidence-based, age-appropriate prevention and early intervention mental health services, embedded within a peer-based social and activity-based format.

A girl working on a laptop computer with the Kookaburra Kids Connect logo superimposed.

The team works with young people to build their resilience, life-long knowledge and abilities, while helping them learn how to make positive choices for their emotional health and wellbeing so that they reach their full potential.

Its sessions improve the way young people manage their families’ mental health, increase their sense of connectedness and foster safe and positive help-seeking behaviours.

The Australian Kookaburra Kids Foundation staff and volunteers design and run the sessions within a safe environment where young people can express themselves freely and with a supportive network present.

If you are an existing member of Kookaburra Kids, you can request to join directly by emailing connect [at] kookaburrakids.org.au (connect[at]kookaburrakids[dot]org[dot]au) or phoning 1300 566 525. If you would like to enrol a young person into Kookaburra Kids programs, visit the Kookaburra Kids website or call the above number.