Do you have diabetes? DVA can help

Whether you’ve recently been diagnosed or you’ve been living with diabetes for some time DVA has information and services to help you manage and live well with diabetes. If you hold a Veteran Gold Card or a White Card with diabetes as a DVA-accepted condition here are some of the ways DVA can help:

  • Health checks with your General Practitioner (GP): DVA funds an annual health assessment with a GP through the Veterans’ Health Check. This check is an important opportunity to access early intervention care and appropriate referrals to a range of allied health professionals.
  • Coordinated Veterans’ Care Program: DVA offers access to ongoing care and management of diabetes and other conditions for eligible Veteran Gold Card holders through this program.
  • Reimbursement of diabetes memberships: DVA will refund the cost of your membership in your state or territory diabetes organisation.
  • Co-payment for some products purchased through National Diabetes Services Scheme (NDSS): once registered, you can access a range of subsidised diabetes products from your local pharmacy. DVA helps by providing the funding for your NDSS co-payment for these subsidised products.
  • Access to DVA-funded diabetes products - delivered to your door: you can also chose to receive your diabetes products from DVA. The DVA Rehabilitation Appliances Program has an Australia-wide network of suppliers who can deliver diabetes products to you at no cost.
  • Diabetes footwear: DVA’s Medical Grade Footwear program can supply eligible clients with diabetic footwear. 
  • World-leading medicines management advice and information: the Veterans' Medicines Advice and Therapeutics Education Services program has excellent tips and tools to help manage your diabetes. For example, you can download the ‘Key Actions for Living Better with Diabetes’ brochure, or develop a care plan with the help of the ‘Diabetes Cycle of Care’.

Your GP or specialist can help you get access to these products and services.

Diabetes affects more than one million Australians. A diagnosis of diabetes may be quite overwhelming but plenty of support is available. Visit your GP if you think you might have or are at risk of having diabetes, or if it’s been a while since you’ve checked in.  

For more information about accessing the above services and supports please visit or call 1800 838 372.