More NSW veterans receiving automatic rego renewals

Young man in car

More veterans living in New South Wales no longer need to attend a Service NSW centre in person to re-establish their eligibility for vehicle registration and driver’s licence concessions each year.

DVA clients who benefit from this system upgrade, courtesy of Transport for NSW, are those falling under the Military Rehabilitation and Compensation Act 2004. Specifically, it is for veterans who are SRDP-eligible (Special Rate Disability Pension), those assessed with 50 or more impairment points, and Wholly Dependent Partners.

Eligible NSW clients simply need to ensure their DVA file number is recorded in the Transport for NSW system to automatically receive their concessions. To check if your DVA file number has been recorded, contact Service NSW on 13 77 88. If it hasn’t, the operator can process the request over the phone and validate your details. Alternatively, you can attend a service centre for assistance.

For new concession clients, please call Service NSW or attend a service centre and provide your DVA file number to be set up in the system; you may also be eligible for a pro-rata refund on your transaction. Once established in the system, concessions will automatically be applied to licence and registration transactions.

There are no changes for eligible clients assessed under the Veterans’ Entitlements Act 1986 – you already receive these benefits.

In another great outcome for eligible NSW veterans, your vehicle registration will also automatically renew each year if you meet the eligibility criteria. To activate this benefit, make sure your DVA file number is recorded, your compulsory third party (CTP) insurance has been received and a vehicle eSafety check has been completed (if required).

You can find more information about your entitlements in the veterans’ guide on the Service NSW website ( or on the app.

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