Many thanks for your warm welcome
Kahlil Fegan DSC AM
Repatriation Commissioner

Since my appointment as the Repatriation Commissioner, I am immensely appreciative of the support I have received from everyone at DVA and in the veteran community.
In particular, I am very grateful for the assistance I’ve had from so many ex-service organisations (ESOs). These organisations and their leaders are a great reflection of us as a nation and our commitment to supporting veterans and families.
Over the past 6 months, I’ve focused on gaining a fuller appreciation of the challenges and opportunities we must deal with so we can continue to improve the support we provide to those who have served our country.
In this time, I have had around 300 engagements with members of the veteran community, ESOs and other key stakeholders.
I’ve learnt a great deal and have enjoyed being able to assist and contribute to the work being conducted across the community to enhance and improve Australia’s veteran support system.
I have also had the privilege of supporting DVA Secretary, Alison Frame, who is passionately consulting and implementing meaningful change to enhance DVA’s support to veterans and families. I have travelled widely across Australia to conduct engagements with our serving personnel, contribute to ESO events, visit Veterans’ and Families’ Hubs and meet staff. I am also very honoured to be attending Anzac Day commemorations at Gallipoli in Türkiye this year. I feel privileged to be Australia’s Chief Executive for the event and Master of Ceremony at the Lone Pine Service.
In the months ahead, I will be seeking opportunities to enhance communication, collaboration and cooperation within the veteran community, and advocate on those matters that impact our veteran entitlements.
Importantly for all of us, the Government recently released draft legislation that aims to simplify and harmonise veterans’ rehabilitation and compensation legislation. This was the very first recommendation made by the Royal Commission into Defence and Veteran Suicide in its Interim Report.
I strongly encourage you to take the time to understand what these changes would mean for you. A consultation period is currently underway and submissions on the draft legislation will be accepted until 28 April. Visit the DVA website to make an individual submission, or collaborate with a group on like issues and submit it through an ESO. It’s vital that you make your feedback known, as this legislation will impact us and future generations for many years.
Finally, a few words about the important work being done across Australia by an organisation called Cor Infinitus (Infinite Courage).
Recently, I attended the dedication of the Suffering of War and Service sculpture, For Every Drop Shed in Anguish at the Australian War Memorial. The artwork represents those affected by operations and during training, war and on peacetime service. It was an extremely moving event and I thanked the Director of the Memorial, Matt Anderson, and his wonderful staff. Importantly, it also gave me the opportunity to meet some of those who have been deeply impacted and to learn more about their experiences.
Following the dedication I met with the CEO and Founding Executive Director of Cor Infinitus and was briefed on some of the valuable work they are doing to support veterans’ families.
Cor Infinitus is a national initiative that aims to give dignity and respect to the families and loved ones of those who have served our nation and taken their own life. This is being achieved by establishing modest memorials throughout the country. The organisation has worked with local champions to establish 19 memorials across Australia. The memorials are completely inclusive. They do not represent any individual person or circumstance. Rather, the memorials are ageless, anonymous and owned by all families and friends of those lost.
Cor Infinitus and other similarly minded individuals and organisations are worthy of our respect and support. If you are interested in a memorial in your location, further details can be found at Thank you again for your support, there is much work ahead and I look forward to continuing to work with our Ministers, Secretary Frame, ESOs and you to make a difference. Have a memorable, respectful and safe Anzac Day.

Image L to R: Kahlil Fegan; Katie Maloney, General Manager, Partnerships & Engagement RSL QLD; Emma Whitehead, Chief Executive Officer, Mates4Mates; and Troy Watson, Deputy Chief Executive Officer Veteran Services, RSL QLD