Boosting financial support for care providers

Young female doctor with elderly female patient

The 2024–25 Budget boosts the funding for Veterans’ Home Care and Community Nursing Programs with an additional $48.4 million to support continued access to services. 

The programs support veterans and war widow( er)s to access care and support services to enable them to remain in their own home and reduce the need to enter residential aged care. 

This investment will benefit around 45,000 current veterans and war widow(er)s who receive services through the 2 programs, and those who may need to access them in future. 

The additional Budget funding reduces the risk of providers withdrawing from the 2 programs in the face of increasing market pressures, particularly in rural and regional areas. It also reduces the risk of DVA clients being unable to access care or experiencing significant disruptions to their care. 

This Budget commitment will support providers to deliver high quality care. From July 2024 through to June 2026, providers will receive $48.4 million in sustainability payments for services delivered to the veteran community. 

The Veterans’ Home Care program helps eligible veterans and their dependants who need home care services to maintain health, wellbeing and independence with services such as domestic help, personal and respite care and some home and garden maintenance tasks such as lawn mowing. 

The Community Nursing Program funds clinically required nursing and personal care services to veterans and war widow(er)s in their own home by qualified nurses and support staff. Services can include help with medication, wound care, hygiene/showering, dressing and palliative care.


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