Have you had your Veteran Health Check?


Any veteran who has served at least one day in the ADF is eligible for a Veteran Health Check, fully funded by DVA. The Veteran Health Check is a comprehensive health assessment completed by your GP to help you better understand your health and wellbeing. 

The check can help you manage your own health, take action to stay well, address health concerns early and develop a relationship with your GP. 

There are 2 types of checks veterans can access: 

  • An annual check. Veterans who have served at least one day in the ADF and transitioned out of the ADF from 1 July 2019 are eligible for an annual Veterans’ Health Check for up to 5 years after transition.
  • A one-off check. Veterans who have served at least one day in the ADF and transitioned out of the ADF at any time before 30 June 2019 are eligible for a one-off Veteran Health Check. 

Next time you see your GP, ask them to complete a Veteran Health Check for you. For more information, visit the DVA website

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