Qualifying service claim

Form ID

Most people submit their claims online. People find it quicker and easier to submit claims this way.

You can submit this claim through MyService.

Use this form to determine if you have qualifying service, if you are:

  • a serving or former member of the Australian Defence Force
  • a person regarded as performing continuous full-time service as if they were a member of the Australian armed forces. For example: 
    • a person from a philanthropic organisation
    • a Commonwealth employee attached to the Australian forces
  • a person on a special mission 
  • an eligible civilian.

You can have your qualifying service determined at any time, even if you’re not immediately applying for related benefits such as a service pension.

If you served during the Second World War you must also complete: Qualifying Service Details – Service during World War II (D0506A)

If you are using an Apple computer and want to fill out your form electronically, please download the form and open it with Acrobat 7 or later.

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