Operational information
DVA’s operational information is the framework of rules, policies, principles and procedures that DVA applies in making decisions or recommendations that affect members of the public.
Document | Description | Accurate/Up to date (under review) | Restriction | Access |
DVA Service Charter | The DVA Service Charter outlines the standards of service that members of the veteran and defence force communities, dependants and carers, and eligible Australian Federal Police, can expect to receive from DVA. | Yes | No | View DVA Service Charter online |
Consolidated Library of Information and Knowledge (CLIK) | CLIK is the Department’s library of operational information containing separate libraries for legislation, policy, procedures, history, medical and reference material. Elements may be independently listed in this statement. | Currently under review | No | View Consolidated Library of Information and Knowledge (CLIK) online |
Chief Executive Instructions (CEIs) | CEIs are issued by the Secretary of the Department to provide direction in financial matters to officers within DVA. The requirement is under section 52 of the Financial Management and Accountability Act 1997 and regulation 6 of the FMA Regulations. | Yes | No | For access to these documents please contact information.access@dva.gov.au |
DVA Factsheets | The DVA Facts system provides online access to factsheets through the DVA website. The factsheets are designed primarily to inform clients on DVA pensions, services and benefits through question and answer format. | Yes | No | View DVA Factsheets online |
DVA Businesslines | DVA uses numerous Businesslines clarify issues relating to work undertaken by the Department. In most cases the documents distil information contained in CLIK. | Yes | No | For access to these documents please contact information.access@dva.gov.au |
DVA Vanqish | Vanqish is an intranet website which provides information to help service delivery staff respond to enquiries from the veteran and provider communities. | Yes | No | For access to these documents please contact information.access@dva.gov.au |
DVA Forms | DVA uses numerous forms to collect information from clients and the public. DVA forms are available online as pdf documents and can be downloaded as required. The forms cover a range of issues, including but not limited to: pensions and compensation; health care; rehabilitation; counselling services; help for servicemen and women returning to civilian life; commemorative and community grants; home care assistance; subsidised loans for housing and other housing-related benefits; commemorative activities, and historical information. | Yes | No | View DVA Forms online |
Document | Description | Accurate/Up to date (under review) | Restriction | Access |
Trusts & Private Companies Procedures Manual | The Manual comprises orders relating to procedures for the income support pension income and assets test assessment of trusts and private companies under the VEA. | Yes | Exempt | View Consolidated Library of Information and Knowledge (CLIK) online |
Lump Sum Exemptions Register | The register is a list of types of lump sum payments that are not considered ordinary income for pension assessment purposes under the VEA. | Yes | No | View Consolidated Library of Information and Knowledge (CLIK) online |
Deeming Exemption Register | The Register is a list of investments that are exempt from the deeming provisions for pension assessment purposes under the VEA. | Yes | No | View Consolidated Library of Information and Knowledge (CLIK) online |
Intent Papers | The Intent Papers are explanatory notes to assist staff to understand the range of pensions/allowances available under VEA. | Under review | No | View Consolidated Library of Information and Knowledge (CLIK) online |
Document | Description | Accurate/Up to date (under review) | Restriction | Access |
Overpayment Management Manual | The Manual sets out procedures for detection, investigation, calculation, and recovery of overpayments of pensions and allowances under the VEA. In addition, it includes procedures for deferral, waiver and write-off of debts due to pension overpayment and liaison with the Department of Families, Community Services and Indigenous Affairs. | Yes | No | View Consolidated Library of Information and Knowledge (CLIK) online |
Principles of Investigation Reporting & Fraud Case Prioritisation policy | The principles of the policy provide guidance to staff on a risk management approach to direct efficient use of its resources and manage its workloads with regard to investigation matters ensuring matters are addressed proportionate to what is found via the application of a prioritisation policy. The policy provides guidance to staff on a risk management basis to allow efficient use of resources and manageable workloads. This ensures that investigation matters are addressed proportionate to their degree of severity. | Yes | Exempt | |
Prosecution Policy | The Director of Public Prosecutions (DPP) is responsible for implementing the prosecution policy of the Commonwealth. These guidelines present the Repatriation Commission's policy on dealing with the Office of the DPP. | Currently under review | Exempt | |
Tip Off (Denunciation) Policy | The Tip Off Policy provides the administrative framework for the treatment of all allegations of fraud received by the Department via ‘Tip Offs’ (commonly referred to as public denunciations or public information) and facilitate their referral to the fraud investigation area or other processing area of the Department for action. | Currently under review | Exempt | |
Informer Management in DVA | This policy provides a consistent methodology when fraud investigation staff have cause to manage information provided by confidential informers. | Yes | Exempt | |
Principles of Community Compliance Model | These principles guide and assist DVA in reviewing the current administrative design of business activities, assessing against an optimal future state and making any changes required to align departmental compliance approaches appropriately to levels of compliance of the veteran or provider communities. | Yes | No | For access to these documents please contact information.access@dva.gov.au |
Client Contact Protocol | The protocol describes DVA’s approach to making contact with members of the veteran and defence communities and providers, to assist DVA in progressing investigations into allegations of fraudulent behaviour. It seeks to provide an understanding of the rights and obligations of the veteran and defence community in such instances, as well as giving clarity on the expectation of behaviour by the DVA staff in these activities. | Yes | No | For access to these documents please contact information.access@dva.gov.au |
DVA Investigation Guidelines & Handbook | The Guidelines and Handbook outline the standards and procedures required of DVA staff when receiving and dealing with an allegation of criminal conduct or other misconduct. | Yes | Exempt | |
Client Liaison Unit (CLU) and Investigation Practice Group Protocol | This Protocol provides guidance to staff in interacting members of the veteran community who are registered with the CLU and who are also involved in an active fraud investigation, or are being assessed for possible investigation by the Investigation Practice Group (IPG). The Protocol also provides guidance on the process required for the IPG to advise the CLU of potential members of the veteran community at risk of self harm. | Currently under review | Exempt |
Document | Description | Accurate/Up to date (under review) | Restriction | Access |
Rehabilitation Coordinator Procedures Manual | An instruction and procedural manual to assist Rehabilitation staff to provide effective rehabilitative assistance under the SRCA to those members and former members of the Australian Defence Force who are entitled to compensation under that Act. | Yes | No | For access to these documents please contact information.access@dva.gov.au |
Rehabilitation & Compensation Case Co-ordination Administration Policy | Currently under review | Under review | ||
Military Compensation and Rehabilitation Instructions (MCRI) | MCRIs are issued to inform delegates of new policy or procedural changes relevant considering and determining claims under the SRCA. MCRIs are a continuation of Defence Compensation Instructions. | Yes | No | For access to these documents please contact information.access@dva.gov.au |
Military Rehabilitation – Provider Guidelines | Instructions and guidelines to assist rehabilitation providers undertake rehabilitation services in accordance with the provisions of the SRCA. | Yes | No | For access to these documents please contact information.access@dva.gov.au |
Document | Description | Accurate/Up to date (under review) | Restriction | Access |
Military Rehabilitation and Compensation Scheme Policy Instructions | The Instructions outline policy and procedures for the administration of the MRCA and legislative instruments made under the MRCA. | Yes | No | View Consolidated Library of Information and Knowledge (CLIK) online |
Military Rehabilitation and Compensation Act Policy Manual | The Manual provides information for investigating and determining compensation claims on behalf of serving and former members of the Australian Defence Force and other eligible persons under the MRCA. | Yes | No | View Consolidated Library of Information and Knowledge (CLIK) online |
Document | Description | Accurate/Up to date (under review) | Restriction | Access |
IS Intranet | The IS Intranet site contains numerous pages of guiding information. The majority of the information is sourced from information already published in Departmental Instructions, the CLIK Procedure Library, CLIK Policy Library or relevant Training Manuals. | Currently under review | No | View Consolidated Library of Information and Knowledge (CLIK) online |
Income Standard Letters | The IS Standard Letter system contains approximate 640 template letters that are used by staff to: Inform clients of decisions made regarding claims, reviews etc Request information from clients and organisations or acknowledge information received |
Currently under review | No | View Consolidated Library of Information and Knowledge (CLIK) online |
IS Debt Management Standard Letters | The IS Debt Management Standard Letter system contains 84 template letters that are used by staff to: Inform clients of decisions made regarding debt management issues Request information from clients and organisations or acknowledge information received regarding debt management letters. |
Currently under review | No | View Consolidated Library of Information and Knowledge (CLIK) online |
Introduction to IS Manual | This the training manual for new starters in IS. | Currently under review | ||
TRAINS Manual | This the training manual for processing Aged Care cases in IS. | Yes | No | For access to these documents please contact information.access@dva.gov.au |
Bereavement Manual | This the training manual for staff dealing with bereavement activities. | Yes | No | For access to these documents please contact information.access@dva.gov.au |
Date of Effect Guide | This is the guide provided to income support staff to explain how date of effect rules should be applied. Information contained in the guide will be published in CLIK at the end of the review process. | Currently under review | ||
Income Streams Training Manual | This is the training manual for assisting staff in understanding how to process cases involving income streams. | Yes | No | For access to these documents please contact information.access@dva.gov.au |
Bring Em Back Manual for DVA to act as Agent for Centrelink in the payment of Age Pension | This is the training Manual for dealing with Aged Pension clients who have transferred from Centrelink to DVA. | Yes | No | For access to these documents please contact information.access@dva.gov.au |
Trustee Determination Worksheet | This is the determination sheet (checklist)used to record information about a Trustee applicant and whether the Trusteeship has been accepted. | Yes | No | For access to these documents please contact information.access@dva.gov.au |
Gold Card Determination Sheet | This is the determination sheet (checklist) used to record information about a claim for a Gold Treatment Card. | Yes | No | For access to these documents please contact information.access@dva.gov.au |
Orange Card Determination Sheet | This is the determination sheet (checklist) used to record information about a claim for the Orange Card. | Yes | No | For access to these documents please contact information.access@dva.gov.au |
CSHC Determination Sheet | This is the determination sheet (checklist) used to record information about a claim for the Commonwealth Seniors Health Card | Yes | No | For access to these documents please contact information.access@dva.gov.au |
QS Determination Sheet | This is the determination sheet (checklist) used to record decisions regarding qualifying service. | Yes | No | For access to these documents please contact information.access@dva.gov.au |
Pension Bonus Scheme (PBS) Registration Determination Sheet | This is the determination sheet (checklist) used to record decisions regarding the registration of PBS clients. | Yes | No | For access to these documents please contact information.access@dva.gov.au |
Partner SP Separated - Special Domestic Circumstances - Determination Sheet | This is the determination sheet (checklist) used to record whether a separated partner qualifies for Special Domestic Circumstances status. | Yes | No | For access to these documents please contact information.access@dva.gov.au |
Private Land Use Test Determination Sheet – post 1/1/07 | This is the determination sheet (checklist) used to record whether a clients land meets the private land test. | Yes | No | For access to these documents please contact information.access@dva.gov.au |
Waiver/Write Off Determination Sheet | This is the determination sheet (checklist) used to outline the reasons for waiving or writing off an overpayment. | Yes | No | For access to these documents please contact information.access@dva.gov.au |
Pension Bonus Membership Worksheet | This is the checklist used to identify periods of accruing membership. | Yes | No | For access to these documents please contact information.access@dva.gov.au |
New Claim Worksheet | This is the checklist used by IS new claims examiners when assessing a claim for IS pensions. | Yes | No | For access to these documents please contact information.access@dva.gov.au |
PBS Claim Worksheet | This is the checklist used to guide staff on PBS. | Yes | No | For access to these documents please contact information.access@dva.gov.au |
Proof of Identity Checklist | This is the checklist used to record the proof of identity documentation collected during a POI check for a new claim. | Currently under review | ||
Overpayment Referral Sheet | This is the referral sheet completed by staff when a potential overpayment is identified. It is used to identify the client and outline the details of the overpayment. | Yes | No | For access to these documents please contact information.access@dva.gov.au |
Rural Property Questionnaire | This is the questionnaire sent to clients to obtain information regarding their rural property. | Currently under review | ||
Residential Aged Care Questionnaire | This is the questionnaire sent to clients when they enter aged care. | Yes | No | For access to these documents please contact information.access@dva.gov.au |
Statement Of Domestic Circumstances | This is the questionnaire sent to separated partners to gather evidence for Special Domestic Circumstances. | Yes | No | For access to these documents please contact information.access@dva.gov.au |
Compliance Property Reviews Procedures | These are the procedures for conducting property reviews under the compliance program. | Currently under review | ||
PBS Evidentiary certificate | This the template letter sent to clients registered for the PBS as evidence of their work status for a particular financial year. | Yes | Exempt | |
Policy Advice Newsletter (PAN) | PAN is a newsletter containing policy advice previously requested by and supplied to individual staff. | Yes | No | For access to these documents please contact information.access@dva.gov.au |
Document | Description | Accurate/Up to date (under review) | Restriction | Access |
Business Rules for Allied Health Providers:
The Business Rules set out the rules Medicare Australia use when processing allied health claims for DVA beneficiaries. | Yes | No | View Consolidated Library of Information and Knowledge (CLIK) online |
Community Nursing Guidelines | The Guidelines outline the relationship between DVA and community nursing providers, the clinical requirements when delivering community nursing services to eligible beneficiaries, the DVA Community Nursing Classification System under which eligible beneficiaries must be classified when receiving community nursing services, and the program’s administration arrangements. The Guidelines are available on the DVA website. | Yes | No | View Community Nursing Guidelines online |
Community Nursing Schedule of Item Numbers and Fees | The Schedule of Fees is an Attachment to the Deed of Standing Offer between the Department and DVA-contracted community nursing providers delivering services to eligible beneficiaries. The Schedule of Fees lists the fees paid by the Department for services provided by DVA-contracted community nursing providers. The fees are attached to the classifications in the DVA Community Nursing Classification System outlined in the Guidelines for the Provision of Community Nursing Services. | Yes | No | View Community Nursing Schedule of Item Numbers and Fees online |
Day Procedure Centre (DPC) Information Package | This package provides important information for DPCs regarding DPC arrangements. | Yes | No | View Day Procedure Centre (DPC) Information Package online |
Private Hospital Mental Health Information Package | This package provides important information for hospitals regarding the Mental Health Private Hospital arrangements. | Yes | No | View Private Hospital Mental Health Information Package online |
Tier 2 Private Hospital Information Package | The Tier 2 Hospital Information Package provides important information for hospitals regarding the Tier 2 hospital arrangements. | Yes | No | View Tier 2 Private Hospital Information Package online |
ICD 10 Medical Group Accommodation and Theatre Banding Schedule. | Under the agreements between DVA and private hospital service providers, accommodation and operating theatre charges are claimed based on the Group Accommodation and Theatre Banding (GATB) Schedule. | Yes | No | View ICD 10 Medical Group Accommodation and Theatre Banding Schedule online |
Administrative Handbook (Treatment) | The handbook has been replaced by the HIMNs. Reference is made to the handbook in the departmental version of CLIK, however it cannot be accessed (not included in the CD-Rom or Internet versions). | Currently under review | No | View Consolidated Library of Information and Knowledge (CLIK) online |
Medical and Allied Health Services Procedure | Sets out basic information regarding items/treatment types that require prior financial authorisation for processing of these cases as set out in the Treatment Principles (TPs). Refers to documentation such as the TPs, HIMNs and Medicare systems including steps to be taken in the processing of these claims. These documents do not set out ‘rules/guidelines’ but refers to other docs developed by the relevant Policy areas. | Currently under review | No | For access to these documents please contact information.access@dva.gov.au |
Notes for Allied Health Providers | The Notes explain the procedures to be followed when registered Allied health providers treat eligible DVA beneficiaries. They provide a broad outline of DVA management requirements, and policy and procedural information. Such as veteran eligibility, the contractual requirements of providers, claims for payment information, and DVA provided Allied health services for eligible beneficiaries. The Notes for chiropractors, diabetes educators, dietitians, exercise physiologists, podiatrists; occupational therapists, osteopaths, physiotherapists and speech pathologists are available on the DVA website. | Section 1 – Currently Under Review Section 2(a) – Yes | No | View Notes for Allied Health Providers online |
Notes for Allied Health Providers – Section 2(a) Notes for Allied Mental Health Care Providers | The Notes for Allied Mental Health Care Providers outline the policy and procedures for the provision of allied mental health care services to entitled persons. The Notes for Allied Mental Health Care Providers should be read in conjunction with the Notes for Allied Health Providers Section 1 which set out the general requirements and parameters for providing health care treatment to the veteran community. | Yes | No | View Notes for Allied Health Providers – Section 2(a) Notes for Allied Mental Health Care Providers online |
Fee Schedules for Allied Health Providers | DVA Fee Schedules for services provided to eligible DVA beneficiaries by the following Allied health providers are available on the DVA website:
Yes | No | View Fee Schedules for Allied Health Providers online |
Health Information Management Notes (HIMNs) | HIMNs are issued to staff to announce and explain procedural and policy matters to support the Treatment Principles and the Repatriation Private Patient Principles. | Yes | No | For access to these documents please contact information.access@dva.gov.au |
Notes | The Notes explain the procedures to be followed when LMOs provide treatment for eligible DVA beneficiaries. | Under review | No | View Notes for General Practitioners (GPs) online |
Fee Schedules for Medical Services | DVA Fee Schedules for services provided to eligible DVA beneficiaries by particular medical services. | Yes | No | View Fee Schedules for Medical Services online |
Non MBS templates | This document is used to assist processing of claims that require prior approval. | Yes | No | For access to these documents please contact information.access@dva.gov.au |
Decision letters to providers and veterans | Letters are sent post decision advising providers/veterans as required of the decision. | Yes | No | For access to these documents please contact information.access@dva.gov.au |
HOTSPUR Identity Checker | HOTSPUR Identity Checker is used to check veteran records provided by the State/Territory Health Departments, to determine eligibility for treatment, in support of the reconciliation process. | Yes | Exempt | |
Notes for Providers of Optometric Services/Dispensers of Optical Appliances | The Notes are issued as a separate but integral part of the Deed of Agreement signed by all DVA contracted optometrists and optical dispensers. They provide a broad outline of DVA management requirements, and policy and procedural information including beneficiaries eligibility, allied health services eligible may receive at DVA expense, contractual requirements of providers and claiming for payment information. | Yes | No | |
Provider forms | These have been developed to assist in information gathering from providers. They are based on what information is required to assist in decision making. | Yes | No | View Provider forms online |
Provider Forms - other | These have been developed to assist in information gathering from providers. They are based on what information is required to assist in decision making. | Yes | No | For access to these documents please contact information.access@dva.gov.au |
Business Partnership agreement between DVA and the Department of Health and Ageing (DoHA) | This covers the roles and relationships between DVA and DoHA in relation to administering DVA’s aged care responsibilities. | Yes | No | For access to these documents please contact information.access@dva.gov.au |
Fee Schedule for Visual Aids | The Schedule includes the list of fees for providing spectacles, frames, contact lenses and consumables, and low vision aids to eligible beneficiaries. It also describes the rules on eligibility, provider responsibilities, prescribing and dispensing arrangements, financial authorisation and claiming arrangements. | Yes | No |
Document | Description | Accurate/Up to date (under review) | Restriction | Access |
Notes for Local Dental Officers (LDO) | The Notes are a reference for LDOs in providing dental services to entitled DVA patients. The Notes outline the identification of eligible beneficiaries, the services they may receive at DVA expense, and the procedures which must be followed in the provision of those services. | Currently under review | No | View Notes for Local Dental Officers (LDO) online (PDF) |
Fee Schedule of Dental Services for LDO and Dental Specialists | The Fee Schedule lists the services most commonly provided by dentists and dental specialists and information for dentists and dental specialists on the range of entitlements for eligible beneficiaries. | Yes | No | View Fee Schedule of Dental Services for LDO and Dental Specialists online |
Fee Schedule of Dental Services for Dental Prosthetists | The Fee Schedule lists the services most commonly provided by dental prosthetists, and info for dental prosthetists on the range of entitlements for eligible beneficiaries. | Yes | No | View Fee Schedule of Dental Services for Dental Prosthetists online |
Document | Description | Accurate/Up to date (under review) | Restriction | Access |
Awaiting further information |
Document | Description | Accurate/Up to date (under review) | Restriction | Access |
Repatriation Pharmaceutical Reference Committee (RPRC) Policies and Procedures | This document provides direction for the RPRC relating to membership and operation. The document also describes the process for evaluation of a Submission for the listing of a new item on the Repatriation Pharmaceutical Benefits Schedule. | Yes | Exempt | |
Veterans’ Affairs Pharmaceutical Advisory Centre Essential Policy Answers (VESPA) | Yes | No | For access to these documents please contact information.access@dva.gov.au | |
Repatriation Pharmaceutical Benefits Schedule (RPBS) | This list includes all items available to Repatriation card holders under the RPBS and includes indications to prescribers of any restrictions. The list includes the RPBS Explanatory Notes which indicate requirements for access to any items under the RPBS. The list is available on the internet and is updated regularly. | Yes | No | View Repatriation Pharmaceutical Benefits Schedule (RPBS) online |
Submissions to RPRC | Yes | No | For access to these documents please contact information.access@dva.gov.au |
Document | Description | Accurate/Up to date (under review) | Restriction | Access |
SHOAMP Procedures Manual | The Manual provides guidance to departmental staff regarding the administration of the SHOAMP Health Care Scheme. It outlines the business rules/procedures, and defines the eligibility criteria under the scheme for accommodation, meal allowance, travel, parking for attendants. | Under review | No | View Consolidated Library of Information and Knowledge (CLIK) online |
SHOAMP Transport Arrangements for Participants | The Arrangement provides guidance to departmental staff regarding the policies of the SHOAMP Health Care Scheme that apply to travel entitlements available to Scheme participants. It outlines the business rules/procedures and defines the eligibility criteria under the scheme for accommodation, meal allowance, travel, parking for attendants. | Under review | No | View Consolidated Library of Information and Knowledge (CLIK) online |
SHOAMP Business Rules – Household Services | The Business Rules explain household services and attendant care for the purposes of the SHOAMP Health Care Scheme and the principles to be applied by decision makers when considering any proposal for provision of such services. | Under review | No | View Consolidated Library of Information and Knowledge (CLIK) online |
Document | Description | Accurate/Up to date (under review) | Restriction | Access |
DSH National Office Instructions | The instructions provide information for delegates concerning changes in the Defence Service Homes Act 1918 and associated policy. | Yes | No | View Consolidated Library of Information and Knowledge (CLIK) online |
DSH General Orders | The General Orders relate to legislation, policy and procedural matters regarding the DSH Subsidy Scheme. | Yes | No | View Consolidated Library of Information and Knowledge (CLIK) online |
DSH Ownership Assistance Scheme Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs) | SOPS are available to guide staff in making decisions regarding applications for Certificates and applications for Subsidy Payments. | Yes | No | For access to these documents please contact information.access@dva.gov.au |
DSH Ownership Assistance Scheme Standard letters | Yes | No | For access to these documents please contact information.access@dva.gov.au |
Document | Description | Accurate/Up to date (under review) | Restriction | Access |
SMRC Application for Review Information for Applicants | The approved application form for use by eligible applicants requesting a review of Statements of Principles by the Specialist Medical Review Council. | Yes | No | View SMRC Application for Review Information for Applicants online |
SMRC Process of Review Information for Applicants Requesting a Review by the SMRC under section 196Y of the VEA | This document outlines how the SMRC makes its decisions, who can apply for a review and details how written submissions are made. | Yes | No | View SMRC Process of Review Information for Applicants Requesting a Review by the SMRC under section 196Y of the VEA online |
Decisions and declarations of the Specialist Medical Review Council | Each document provides information regarding decisions made by SMRC and contains details of the process of review and the reasoning of the SMRC. | Yes | No | View Decisions and declarations of the Specialist Medical Review Council online |
Phases and Activities of the Administration of a SMRC Review | This outlines how the SMRC conducts a review. | Yes | No | View Phases and Activities of the Administration of a SMRC Review online |
Current Reviews and Written Submissions – due dates | Details all applications received and the gazetted due date for submissions. | Yes | No | View Current Reviews and Written Submissions – due dates online |
Ministerial appointment details - SMRC Councillors | Councillor appointment details are reported to Cabinet and Parliament on request | Currently under review | Yes | |
Review Process Checklist | The Reviews Process Checklist allows staff to ensure application for review complies with relevant sections of the VEA. | Currently under review | Yes |
Document | Description | Accurate/Up to date (under review) | Restriction | Access |
NSW/RSL Day Club Procedure Manual | This manual is used by advisors to guide and assist them in administering the Day Club program in NSW | Yes | No | For access to these documents please contact information.access@dva.gov.au |
NSW/RSL Day Club – Needs Analysis | This a checklist used to inform decisions on whether a Day Club should be established or re-established. | Yes | No | For access to these documents please contact information.access@dva.gov.au |
NSW Day Club - Day Club Visit Report | This report is used by advisors to ensure that all issues are covered and dealt with when visiting a club. | Yes | No | For access to these documents please contact information.access@dva.gov.au |
NSW Day Club – Day Club Visit Checklist | This checklist is used by advisors to ensure all appropriate issues are addressed during a visit to a club. | Yes | No | For access to these documents please contact information.access@dva.gov.au |
National Day Club Framework | This document outlines new internal arrangements to support governance changes and to bring national consistency to the Day Club program. | Yes | Exempt | |
National Day Club Guidelines | This document is used to assist advisers in providing nationally consistent advice and support to stakeholders within the Day Club program. | Currently under review | No | |
National Day Club – Needs Analysis for Proposed Clubs | This a national checklist used to inform decisions on whether a Day Club should be established or re-established. | Currently under review | No | |
National Day Club – Visit Report | This is a national report that is used by advisors to ensure that all issues are covered and dealt with when visiting a club. | Currently under review | No | |
National Day Club – Visit Checklist | This is a national checklist that is used by advisors to ensure all appropriate issues are addressed during a visit to a club. | Currently under review | No |
Document | Description | Accurate/Up to date (under review) | Restriction | Access |
Grants Guidelines | The Guidelines set out the aims, objectives, and eligibility criteria for the various grant programs administered by the Department. Grants include: Building Excellence in Support and Training, Veteran & Community Grants, Saluting Their Service Commemorations Grants and Program. | Yes | No | For access to these documents please contact information.access@dva.gov.au |
Men’s Health Peer Education Guidelines | National Policy & Procedural Guidelines provide guidance to Departmental staff in administering this program. Through the Men’s Health Peer Education Program DVA provides training to veteran and community volunteers so they can impart health information to their peers. | Yes | No | For access to these documents please contact information.access@dva.gov.au |
Veterans’ Vocational Rehabilitation Scheme Guidelines | The Guidelines set out the objectives and criteria for the administration and delivery of services under the Veterans' Vocational Rehabilitation Scheme. The Scheme is available to veterans with or without a disability who need special assistance to find and/or keep suitable paid employment. The Guidelines include: legislative basis, eligibility requirements and the type of assistance available to veterans participating in the Scheme. | No | No | For access to these documents please contact information.access@dva.gov.au |
Australian Participants in British Nuclear Test Guidelines | The Guidelines set out the requirements and evidence bases that an applicant can be considered eligible for either non-liability health care for malignant cancers under the Australian Participants in British Nuclear Tests (Treatment) Act 2006 or to receive the commemorative medallion for test participants. The Guidelines include: legislative basis, eligibility requirements and processes for entering eligibility status into Departmental systems. | Currently under review | No | |
Grants Guidelines – Research Program and Application/Notification Form Guidelines | The Guidelines outline the DVA Research Program including the application, notification and funding processes. The Guidelines also gives details of the DVA Research Committee and the DVA Research Working Group. | Yes | No | For access to these documents please contact information.access@dva.gov.au |
Home Medical Oxygen Prescribers Procedural Guidelines | The Prescriber Guidelines are part of the Oxygen contract and reflect the prescriber process resulting from the oxygen tender exercise. | Yes | No | View Home Medical Oxygen Prescribers Procedural Guidelines online |
Rehabilitation Appliances Program Guidelines | The Guidelines set out the objectives and criteria for the supply of various medical aids and appliances to eligible beneficiaries under the Rehabilitation Appliances Program. Appliances are provided only on the basis of clinical need. The supply of certain appliances is restricted only to eligible beneficiaries who have a medically assessed need for these items due to a war-caused or service-related injury. The Guidelines include: legislative basis, steps to be taken before issuing equipment (ie assessment and various criteria), and beneficiaries’ responsibilities. | Yes | No | |
Saluting Their Service Certificates of Appreciation Guidelines | The Guidelines provide information for DVA staff and Members of Parliament on the eligibility criteria and procedures for the issuing of Saluting Their Service Certificates of Appreciation. Certificates may be awarded to Australians who made a contribution in World War II, for service in the British Commonwealth Occupation Forces in Japan, the Korean War, the Malayan Emergency, the Indonesian Confrontation, the Vietnam War, the Gulf War, and in Peace Operations. | Yes | No | View Saluting Their Service Certificates of Appreciation Guidelines online |
Vehicle Assistance Scheme - Administrative Guidelines | The Administrative Guidelines specify the eligibility requirements and guidance for staff assessing applications under the Scheme for the provision of suitable motor vehicles and associated running and maintenance costs. | Yes | No | For access to these documents please contact information.access@dva.gov.au |
Veterans’ Children’s Education Scheme - Administrative Guidelines | The Administrative Guidelines specify the eligibility requirements and guidance for staff assessing applications under the Scheme for financial assistance, student support services, guidance or counselling from children of qualified veterans to help them achieve their full potential in education or career training. | Currently under review | ||
VHC Procedural Manual for Assessment Agencies and VHC Procedural Manual for Service Providers | The procedural manual provide policy detail to Departmental staff and contracted VHC Assessment and Coordination Agencies and Service Providers regarding the administration of the VHC program. They outline the aims of the program, define those eligible and provide guidance on the assessment process, service provision and co-payment arrangements. They also provide information on account payment arrangements and the use of the IT system. | Yes | No | For access to these documents please contact information.access@dva.gov.au |
DVA Human Research Ethics Committee Administrative (HREC) Guidelines | The Guidelines set out the role of HREC, and detail administrative procedure for HREC approval of human research involving the Veterans’ Community. | Currently under review | No | |
Ex-Prisoner of War Ex Gratia Payment Guidelines | The Guidelines set out the eligibility criteria for non-liability health care for malignant cancers under the Australian Participants in British Nuclear Tests (Treatment) Act 2006 and the commemorative medallion for test participants. The Guidelines include: legislative basis, eligibility criteria and processes for entering eligibility status into Departmental systems. | Currently under review |
Document | Description | Accurate/Up to date (under review) | Restriction | Access |
Freedom of Information Memoranda | The Memoranda are prepared by the Attorney-General’s Department and recommended to FOI staff as they provide guidance on the handling of requests under the Freedom of Information Act 1982. | Currently under review | ||
FOI Manual | The FOI Manual outlines the procedures for processing requests under the Freedom of Information Act 1982. | Currently under review | ||
FOI Delegations | Currently under review |
Document | Description | Accurate/Up to date (under review) | Restriction | Access |
MHPE Guidelines | National Policy & Procedural Guidelines provide guidance to Departmental staff in administering this program. Through the MHPE Program DVA provides training to veteran and community volunteers so they can impart health information to their peers. | Yes | No | For access to these documents please contact information.access@dva.gov.au |
MHPE Code of Conduct | The MHPE Code of Conduct is provided to members of the public who are interested in applying to be a MHPE volunteer. | Yes | No | For access to these documents please contact information.access@dva.gov.au |
MHPE Volunteer Information Kit | The MHPE Volunteer Information Kit is supplied to new volunteers during training. | Yes | No | For access to these documents please contact information.access@dva.gov.au |
MHPE Volunteer Resource Induction Booklet | This booklet includes information on administration by DVA of the MHPE program. | Yes | No | For access to these documents please contact information.access@dva.gov.au |
Document | Description | Accurate/Up to date (under review) | Restriction | Access |
Privacy Manual | Yes | No | For access to these documents please contact information.access@dva.gov.au | |
Privacy Instructions | Yes | No | For access to these documents please contact information.access@dva.gov.au |
Document | Description | Accurate/Up to date (under review) | Restriction | Access |
Tender-related Templates | Yes | No | For access to these documents please contact information.access@dva.gov.au | |
Contracting Templates | Yes | No | For access to these documents please contact information.access@dva.gov.au | |
Contract Management Templates | Yes | No | For access to these documents please contact information.access@dva.gov.au | |
Better Practice Guides | Yes | No | For access to these documents please contact information.access@dva.gov.au | |
Procurement Checklists | Yes | No | For access to these documents please contact information.access@dva.gov.au | |
Contract Management Checklists | Yes | No | For access to these documents please contact information.access@dva.gov.au | |
Intellectual Property Policy | Yes | No | For access to these documents please contact information.access@dva.gov.au |
Document | Description | Accurate/Up to date (under review) | Restriction | Access |
Complaints & Feedback Management System (CFMS) Policy | The CFMS Policy contains the definitions of complaints and compliments, the contact details on how to provide feedback as well as the service standards of complaints resolution. Further, the policy details DVA's actions when it receives specific types of feedback, and the alternative options that complainants may wish to follow if they are unhappy with DVA's responses. | Yes | No | View Complaints & Feedback Management System (CFMS) Policy online |
CFMS Administrative Procedures & Operational Manual | Yes | Exempt | ||
CFMS ‘Quickguide’ | Yes | Exempt | ||
Veterans’ Children Education Scheme (VCES) Standard Letters | Yes | No | For access to these documents please contact information.access@dva.gov.au |