DVA Provider News article - .

Change to DVA Fee Schedule for Ambulatory Blood Pressure Monitoring

From 1 November 2021 providers will need to use the Medicare Benefits Schedule (MBS) item number 11607 to claim for Ambulatory Blood Pressure Monitoring when treating DVA clients instead of the DVA only item number MT18.

Under DVA arrangements from 1 November, item MT18 will be retired and Ambulatory Blood Pressure Monitoring will only be claimable using the new MBS item (11607).

The Repatriation Medical fee for item 11607 will be $150.10 with no out-of-pocket payments for DVA clients.

Details about the new MBS item can be found at www.mbsonline.gov.au.

For more information about this change, please contact Health Approvals on HEALTH.APPROVAL [at] dva.gov.au (HEALTH[dot]APPROVAL[at]dva[dot]gov[dot]au) or 1800 550 457 (option 3 then option 1).