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Change to DVA’s Nutritional Supplementation request form for veterans residing in a residential aged care facility

Young female carer with elderly client

Do you provide nutritional supplements to DVA clients in Aged Care? If so, you need to know that DVA’s request form (D9165) has changed.

The change includes a prompt for clinicians to first check if the DVA client is funded by the facility to supply nutritional supplements, before requesting funding through DVA.

Consistent with their individual care plan, DVA residents in a Residential Aged Care Facility (RACF) should be supplied nutritional supplements by their RACF provider. To support fair and equitable funding, Veteran Card holders in a RACF are only eligible for DVA funding through the Repatriation Pharmaceutical Benefits Scheme for nutritional supplements where other funding does not exist. 

The change responds to the Australian National Aged Care Classification (AN-ACC) funding model, which was introduced on 1 October 2022. The new funding model is part of the aged care reforms to provide higher quality and safer care for older Australians, in response to the Royal Commission into Aged Care Quality and Safety. The AN-ACC funding model for RACFs replaced the Aged Care Funding Instrument (ACFI), which ceased on 30 September 2022.  

You can access DVA’s updated D9165 Nutritional Supplementation request form via our website.

For more information about the AN-ACC and what it means for veterans see our Frequently Asked Questions: Residential Aged care changes effective 1 October 2022 page.

Please contact the Veterans’ Affairs Pharmaceutical Advisory Centre on 1800 552 580 or at ppo@dva.gov.au for further information about DVA funded nutritional supplements. 


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