Improving veteran access to clinically necessary diabetes products.
Health providers treating eligible veterans with diabetes can order clinically necessary diabetes products by completing a DVA Direct Order Form.
DVA funded diabetes products will be delivered to the veteran’s door, at no cost to the veteran, by an Australia-wide network of DVA providers.
Eligible veterans can continue to access diabetes products through the National Diabetes Services Scheme (NDSS), directly from their community pharmacy. To do this, they need to be registered with the NDSS.
Which health providers can order diabetes products for eligible veterans?
- GPs
- a diabetes clinic
- an endocrinologist
- diabetes educator
- or a registered nurse
Who’s eligible for DVA funded diabetes products?
Veteran Gold Card holders, or White Card holders with diabetes as an accepted condition.
Where can I access and send the form?
The Direct Diabetes Product Order Form is available on the DVA website. Once completed, you can email or fax the form to one of the suppliers listed on the back of the form. Please make sure you provide your patient with a copy of the form so they can continue to re-order products direct from the supplier as required.
How long is the form valid for?
The order form completed by the health provider is valid for two years, enabling your patient to monitor their own usage and reorder three months’ supply at a time, directly from the DVA contracted supplier already chosen from the list on the form.
What if my patient is already receiving Abbott Freestyle Libre continuous glucose sensors?
Your patient will automatically receive an ongoing supply of the Abbott Freestyle Libre continuous glucose sensors every three (3) months, which will be delivered to their home at no cost. You will need to complete our Direct Order form for eligible patients who require, but aren’t already receiving, the Abbott Freestyle Libre continuous glucose sensors.
If a client does not wish to be automatically subscribed to this service, please note this on the form.
For more information on diabetes products, or our diabetes support services and resources visit the DVA website.
Or contact us on:
- Call us on 1800 VETERAN (1800 838 372)
- Email: