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New look Veteran Card to replace DVA Gold and White Cards

The Australian Government is enacting an Australian Defence Veterans’ Covenant in legislation so the nation can recognise the unique nature of military service and support veterans and their families.

The new Gold, White and Orange DVA Veteran Cards

The Australian Government is enacting an Australian Defence Veterans’ Covenant in legislation so the nation can recognise the unique nature of military service and support veterans and their families.

As part of the Veterans’ Covenant, a new look Veteran Card will be introduced. Over the coming months, all existing DVA health card holders will receive a new look card to replace their current card.

This new Veteran Card (Gold and White) will function in exactly the same way as the current DVA health cards. There is no change to DVA services and entitlements.

As a result of this change, there will be no impact on medical and allied health providers. How DVA clients gain access to medical treatment and their eligibility will remain the same, as will the payment process.

Cardholders will still be able to use their existing DVA health card until they receive the new Veteran Card.

On the 21 January 2019, a digital version of the new white and gold Veteran Card was introduced on DVA’s online claiming platform, MyService. Physical versions of the card will start being distributed from late February 2019.

DVA orange cards issued under the Repatriation Pharmaceutical Benefits Scheme will be replaced with the new design orange Veteran Card at a later date.

Examples of the new Veteran Cards are shown here.