DVA Provider News article - .

New quick guide helps you find care for veterans post-discharge

The Department of Veterans’ Affairs (DVA) has released a new one-page printable guide to assist discharge planners when supporting transfer of care arrangements following a veteran’s hospital stay.

DVA offers services and programs to assist veterans returning home once they are discharged from hospital. These are entry-level services for lower-care needs and are only available to eligible veterans and war-widowed partners. The new guide provides a list of the services and health programs available to eligible veterans, including contact numbers and helpful webpages.

We have a number of handy guides and tools available on the DVA website to assist providers to support veterans and their families. These guides and tools provide the basics on veteran needs, what we offer, services that can be provided and much more. Check out our quick guides and tools.

person wearing medical scrubs holding note pad while talking with a another person