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Providers to save time with digital DVA White Card

Wednesday, 24 October 2018 — The new digital DVA White Card gives health providers immediate visibility of the conditions for which their veteran patient can receive treatment.

A client views the digital DVA White Card on their Huawei smartphone device.

Veterans and their dependents can now access digital versions of their DVA White or Gold Card through the online portal MyService, and present these digital cards to their healthcare professional to access treatment. The details are displayed on the client’s mobile phone or other device.

The digital White Card not only provides standard information including name, file number and expiry date, it also lists the accepted conditions for which the veteran has DVA approval to receive treatment.

This removes the need for the health provider or clinic staff to contact DVA and verify the patient’s accepted conditions, saving them considerable time and also ensuring the patient can receive support faster.

Gold Cards continue to cover all conditions. The new digital Gold Card displays all the same relevant client details as the existing plastic cards.

When visiting their health provider, DVA clients may opt to either use the new digital card or continue using their plastic health card if they prefer.

Providers can confidently accept either the digital or plastic card to proceed with treatments and claims for payment from DVA, as per usual for their veteran clients.

All current and ex-service personnel can use MyService to lodge their compensation claims online for faster decisions as well as to access their digital health cards.

DVA continues to transform into a modern and responsive department with a focus on better meeting the needs of the veteran community and the health providers who support and treat them.


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