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Simplified process for DVA funding of medicinal cannabis

DVA has updated its Medicinal Cannabis Framework which will streamline access to funded medicinal cannabis for eligible DVA clients.

Arms and hands visible of a patient and a medical doctor talking with each other at a desk.

Under the updated Department of Veterans’ Affairs (DVA) Medicinal Cannabis Framework (the Framework), general practitioners (GPs) can now seek approval of funding for medicinal cannabis without the need for a non-GP specialist’s assessment in many circumstances. Applications may be made over the phone by calling the Veterans' Affairs Pharmaceutical Advisory Centre on 1800 552 580

Changes to the Framework include a new tier-based approvals approach, which considers the active ingredients, dose parameters and regulatory factors in decision making. Each application will continue to be considered on a case by case basis.

The prescribing practitioner is still required to report why medicinal cannabis is clinically indicated, and confirm that the potential for an adverse event or contraindication for the person has been assessed.

DVA has a duty of care to veterans and their families to fund treatments that are proven to be effective, safe and comply with legislation. The updated Medicinal Cannabis Framework provides greater flexibility to enable DVA to adapt and fund more health conditions in the future, as clinical evidence emerges.

For more information on the new Medicinal Cannabis Framework, visit Medicinal cannabis information for providers


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