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Updated RAP Assistive Listening Device guideline and form

The Department of Veterans’ Affairs (DVA) has revised the National Guideline and form for prescribing assistive listening devices (ALDs) under the Rehabilitation Appliance Program (RAP).

A senior lady sitting with a listening device

The Department of Veterans’ Affairs (DVA) has revised the National Guideline and form for prescribing assistive listening devices (ALDs) under the Rehabilitation Appliance Program (RAP). 

Hearing loss and tinnitus are two of the most common conditions experienced by former Australian Defence Force personnel. Due to the nature of military training and service, veterans of all ages may experience one or both of these conditions.

DVA is working to make it easier for hearing providers to prescribe ALDs through RAP for clients with hearing loss and tinnitus.

The RAP National Guideline on ALDs has been revised to clearly specify suitable prescribers, eligibility criteria and the prior approval process. There are step-by-step instructions on requesting ALDs, and the supporting documentation required for the request to be considered by DVA.

A new Request for Assistive Listening Devices and/or Tinnitus Devices form has been developed to prompt providers to complete all the necessary detail for DVA to consider and action the request quickly.

The revised National Guideline, along with the introduction of the new ALD form, is designed to assist hearing providers, particularly providers who may not prescribe regularly for DVA clients.

ALDs available through RAP include:

  • Induction Loop
  • TV listening devices
  • Microphone/FM listening Systems
  • Telephone accessories
  • Wireless streaming devices
  • Tinnitus Devices.

You can find the new RAP National Guideline on Assistive Listening Devices and the D9376 Request for Assistive Listening Devices and/or Tinnitus Devices Form in the RAP Provider pages on the DVA website:

RAP Guidelines

RAP Forms