Western Australia

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Terms of reference

The Western Australian Consultative Forum will:

  1. provide a mechanism for regular consultation and discussion between the Deputy Commissioner and Ex-Service Organisations (ESOs) to discuss systemic issues that concern the veteran and defence communities arising from the range of DVA operations including:
  • operational issues
  • health care including hospital and community based care
  • aged care both residential and community based
  • health and well-being
  • income support
  • compensation
  • rehabilitation
  • emerging issues for currently serving and recently separated ADF members
  1. sitting as the Western Australian Treatment Monitoring Committee, monitor the access to and the quality of treatment available to entitled persons as private patients under the Veterans’ Entitlements Act 1986
  2. enhance the ex-service community’s understanding of DVA’s service delivery performance in Western Australia through improved communication and information sharing between DVA and the ex-service community
  3. assist in identifying issues that may require referral to a national-led forum e.g. the ESO Round Table for strategic issues or the Operational Working Party for day-to-day operational matters
  4. provide a mechanism to disseminate information about Veterans’ Affairs initiatives and Department of Defence and broader Commonwealth activities where appropriate
  5. provide a forum which facilitates the maintenance of an effective working relationship between ESOs, the Deputy Commissioner and DVA staff in Western Australia.
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Defence Force Welfare AssociationMr Richard Usher OAM
Defence Reserves Association (WA Branch) IncMr Mike Page
Naval Association of AustraliaMr Ian Holthouse
Returned & Services LeagueMr John McCourt
Royal Australian Air Force Association
(WA Division)
Mr Clive Robartson AM
Australian Federation of Totally and Permanently Incapacitated Ex-servicemen and Women (TPI)Mr John Kelly
Vietnam Veterans’ Association of AustraliaMr Richard Williams OAM
Mr Max Ball
Western Australian Branch of the Partners of Veterans Association of Australia Inc – WAPVAMrs Bev Benporath
Australian War Widows WA IncMrs Emily Cook
Legacy WAMrs Vivian Blycha
Principal Strategy Officer Veterans Issues, Department of Communities 
Australian Special Air Service Association (WA Branch)Mr Troy Simmonds
FESR Navy AssociationMr Phil Smith BEM

The forum is chaired by the Deputy Commissioner.


The Chair has discretion to allow members to nominate a substitute attendee when considered necessary.

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Meeting Schedule

It is anticipated that face-to-face meetings of the State and Territory Forums will be restricted to two or three each calendar year with any additional out-of-session meetings being conducted via video or telephone conferencing as required.

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