Background of the ATDP
The Advocacy Training and Development Program (ATDP) replaced the former Training and Information Program (TIP) on 1 July 2016. Learn about the history of the program, and the governance structure.
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Governance structure and the blueprint
The program is funded by the Australian Government through the Department of Veterans’ Affairs (DVA).
The ATDP is managed by DVA in partnership with ex-service organisations with close involvement of a contracted Registered Training Organisation.
You can read an overview of the ATDP Context and Roles Document (PDF) on the ATDP website.
Back to topHistory of the ATDP
Before the ATDP, there was the Training and Information Program (TIP).
In 2011, we commissioned an Advocacy Training Review. We chose the late Brigadier Bill Rolfe AO (Rtd) to lead it.
After consulting with the ex-service community, the review identified alternate learning approaches to that used by TIP. A working party was established to address the need for a more contemporary approach to the training and development of advocates.
This work culminated in The Advocacy Blueprint. In 2015, the Ex-Service Organisation Round Table (ESORT) and the then Minister for Veterans’ Affairs both endorsed the blueprint.
This resulted in the creation of the ATDP.
To date the program has implemented:
- an Australian Skills Quality Authority (ASQA) accredited national advocacy training program
- a continuing professional development program
- a searchable register of ESOs with accredited advocates
- a single learning pathway
- support for a community practice model to link advocates, across the advocate’s ESO and geographical location
Contact the ATDP
The ATDP website contains all up to date information about the program:
To contact the ATDP you can:
- email
- complete the online ATDP contact form
Advocacy News
Advocacy News provides updates on the ATDP and articles relevant to ESOs and the advocacy community.
You can view the newsletters on the home page of the ATDP website.
Email to subscribe to their newsletter.
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