2023–24 Grants In Aid funding awarded

Fifteen ex-service organisations (ESOs) have each secured up to $10,000 in funding as the successful recipients of the 2023-24 Grants In Aid program.

Among the 15 recipients are the Vietnam Veterans Association of Australia Inc and the Vietnam Veterans Federation of Australia, whih both advocate for veterans on welfare matters. The funding will support key representatives to attend critical meetings and conferences as well as produce communications such as a national newsletter.

The Grants In Aid program is designed to support ESOs and improve services for the veteran community through enhanced collaboration; encouraging organisations to work together and increase communication with other organisations, the ex-service community and the Australian Government.

ESOs are a critical part of providing a stable support system for veterans and their families, and the Australian Government is committed to working with them and investing in this relationship.

More information about the Grants In Aid program is available on the DVA website.