$5 million awarded to RSL Tasmania to deliver the Veterans’ and Families’ Hub in Tasmania
RSL Tasmania has been awarded $5 million in grant funding to establish a Veterans’ and Families’ Hub in Tasmania, as part of the Australian Government’s expansion of the Hub network.
The Hub is part of the expansion of the Veterans’ and Families’ Hubs program into Tasmania. In developing the Hub, RSL Tasmania will deliver on the recommendations from a feasibility study conducted in 2020 that identified the need for services to be delivered across the State through a hub and spoke model. They will not only deliver a hub in Hobart but will facilitate services through other RSL locations throughout Tasmania, including the Launceston VeteranHub.
The Veterans’ and Families’ Hub in Hobart will provide better coordination of services for Tasmanian veterans and families to access assistance with transition, employment, advocacy services and mental health support. RSL Tasmania will continue to work closely with DVA and other community organisations, including the Burnie Veterans’ and Families’ Hub which is also being established, to provide support for veterans and families as needed.
Congratulations to RSL Tasmania. We look forward to the completion of the Veterans’ and Families’ Hub in Hobart and the establishment of the wider network
More information about the Veterans’ and Families’ Hub network is available on the DVA website.