New approach provides better, more timely access to hearing services

Veterans with service-related hearing loss and complex hearing needs will soon have improved, more timely access to hearing support through the new Veteran Hearing Services Framework. 

This Framework will simplify the process for veterans to receive funding for appropriate hearing devices, ensuring fair and consistent decisions. 

It will also make it easier for veterans to request hearing aids by helping them to better understand the services available and steps involved, resulting in a more positive, straightforward experience.

The Framework includes updated request forms to expedite complex hearing requests, updated internal DVA review processes, and enhanced resources and communication with veterans, families and service providers. 

Each year, up to 10,000 veterans receive partially subsidised hearing devices through the Department of Health and Aged Care Hearing Services Program

For further information on hearing services and the Framework, please visit or email Hearing [at] (Hearing[at]dva[dot]gov[dot]au).