We're helping to improve your MyService experience

Modernising DVA's ICT is one of our top priorities and a focus of the Royal Commission's Interim Report.  

Recent enhancements to MyService are making it easier for veterans and families to lodge claims and access support and services.

For the vast majority of DVA claim types, you are now:

  • prompted to provide the information needed to support a claim at the time you submit it;
  • notified, through the myGov inbox, if we need further information about your claim, along with a Task to complete that helps you to provide the additional information required; and
  • given enhanced options to upload documents to your claims, including any 'Other' documents you might like to add up until determination, and view details of your documents and claims.

This means you can now view up-to-date information and provide all documents via MyService for all claims, whether submitted through MyService or other channels, reducing the need to send that information by email or post.

Authenticated MyService users who require help with a claim or have other DVA questions, will also be able to specify their preferred date and time window when submitting a request for a call back.  

For more information see the MyService Enhancements Factsheet.  For any further assistance, please call us on 1800 VETERAN (1800 838 372)