Anzac Day commemorations around the world honour those who served our nation

Bomana War Cemetery, Anzac Day 2023, Defence

Yesterday thousands of Australians gathered across the country and the world to commemorate Anzac Day.

At the Australian War Memorial in Canberra, 30,500 people gathered for the National Dawn Service.

Anzac Day services have been held in Australia since 1916, with the day observed as a day of commemoration in every state and territory during the 1920s.

Pilgrimages on Anzac Day to places where Australians have served has been a long standing tradition, with Australians commemorating Anzac Day on the Gallipoli Peninsula from as early as 1923.

This year some 1500 people gathered at Gallipoli to remember, while at the Australian National Memorial near Villers-Bretonneux, France, more than 1700 attended the Dawn Services.

Services were also held at Hellfire Pass in Thailand, Sandakan Malaysia and in Papua New Guinea.


Image: Bomana War Cemetery, PNG, Anzac Day 2023, Department of Defence