Census yields valuable data about veteran employment

After transitioning to civilian life, veterans continue to be committed to service, as revealed in the second Analytical Article on Defence Service released today by the Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS). This article, reflecting the second release of 2021 Census data on 13 October 2022, focuses in more detail on veteran employment, education and qualifications. The first release of data in June 2022 found that there are more than 581,000 Australians who have served in the ADF.

Data on the rates of employment show that reservists (89 per cent) and veterans (75 per cent) are comparable to the national average (74 per cent). This reaffirms that veterans are highly valuable assets in the workplace and can successfully translate their skills and experience from the ADF to the civilian workforce.

The article identifies that serving in the ADF can provide great outcomes for women, with 17 per cent of female reservists, and 14 per cent of female veterans now working as managers, compared to 11 per cent of females in the general population. Younger male reservists and veterans were less likely to be managers than their female counterparts. Additionally, veterans and reservists were more likely to be employed in the public sector or Government jobs than those who have never served in the ADF.

In the first release of Census data in June, it was identified that Queensland, Western Australia and the Australian Capital Territory are the jurisdictions with the most current and former serving members. The October release confirms that current serving members are most likely to work in these three regions, while former serving members are more likely to work in Queensland and WA.

This latest release of Census data shows that 45 per cent of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander veterans work full time, compared with 29 per cent of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people who had never served. 

DVA is committed to using the information from 2021 Census, and subsequent results, to continue to improve and target services and support for veterans and families.

For more information on the 2021 Census, visit the ABS website.