Talk to your GP about a Veteran Health Check

If you have been to your general practitioner (GP)’s office recently you may have seen digital displays and flyers about the Veteran Health Check program. DVA has provided GPs across Australia with information to help promote awareness of this important program to veterans who have recently transitioned from the Australian Defence Force (ADF) to civilian life.

The Veteran Health Check has been specifically designed to help you identify early physical or mental health concerns. The comprehensive health check covers all aspects of health and wellbeing, including physical and mental health. After that, you can get the best help possible through a referral to another service or immediate treatment.

If you transitioned out of the ADF on or after 1 July 2019, you are eligible for the Annual Veteran Health Check. This service allows you to build a relationship with your local GP as you will have an appointment annually every year for the first five years after you leave the ADF. You can access this service through your DVA Veteran Card and it is at no cost to the veteran.

If you have transitioned on or before 30 June 2019, you can access the One-off Veteran Health Check. This type of health check is eligible for a benefit through Medicare, so you do not need to be a DVA Veteran Card holder to access the One-off Veteran Health Check.

Keep on top of your health and book in for your Veteran Health Check. When you call your GP practice, let them know you are booking in for a  Veteran Health Check and would like a 45 minute appointment. Just make sure your GP accepts the DVA Veteran Card. To learn more, visit the DVA website.

If you have not received a DVA White Card and you think that you are eligible, please call 1800 VETERAN (1800 838 372) or visit MyService to apply online.