Veterans’ Health Check

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After you transition to civilian life, you can have a comprehensive health check with your general practitioner (GP).

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The health check

A Veterans’ Health Check is a comprehensive health assessment with your GP to help you better understand and optimise your health and wellbeing. It provides an opportunity to access early intervention care and appropriate referrals when you need it.

It can help you:

  • manage and take charge of your own health
  • take action to stay well
  • address health concerns early
  • develop a relationship with your new GP

Watch our YouTube video to learn more about the types of health check.

You can also download the Veterans’ Health Check flyer and the Veterans’ Health Check poster

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Frequently asked questions

For more information about the Veterans' Health Check, read the Frequently Asked Questions

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During the health check

Your health check will depend on your needs.

Your GP may:

  • ask about your health and family history
  • prescribe treatment
  • refer you to other health professionals
  • refer you for further tests
  • suggest other DVA services and programs to support you

We have developed a comprehensive Veterans’ Health Check guide to assist GPs to support the Veteran community. You can ask your GP to use this guide. It is also contained in the software of most GP practices. It can also be found online at Veteran Health Check Providers or by searching ‘Veterans Health Check’.


Your Veterans’ Health Check is confidential and your results will not be shared with us unless you ask your GP.

GPs have an ethical, professional and legal duty to their patient’s rights to privacy and confidentiality.

Speak to your GP if you have any concerns.

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Who can receive it?

One-off Veterans’ Health Check

You are eligible for the One-off Veterans’ Health Check if you:

  • are a former member of the Australian Defence Force (ADF), including reservists, with at least one day of continuous full-time service (CFTS)
  • transitioned out of the ADF at any time.

Annual Veterans’ Health Check

You are eligible for the Annual Veterans’ Health Check if you:

  • are a former member of the ADF, including reservists, with at least
    one day of continuous full-time service (CFTS)
  • transitioned out of the ADF from 1 July 2019.
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How much you pay

If you use your DVA Veteran Card, there will be no charge to you.

If you are not a DVA client, use your Medicare card to claim a Medicare benefit for the One-off Veterans’ Health Check.

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How to book

Step 1: Find a GP

Every GP across Australia can conduct the Veterans’ Health Check.

If you do not have a GP, search Healthdirect for bulk-billing GPs near you or call 1800 022 222.

Step 2: call the GP clinic

Ask whether the GP accepts your Veteran Card or bulk-bills (accepts your Medicare card).

Step 3: ask for a 45-minute appointment

Let your GP clinic know your appointment is for a Veterans’ Health Check.

Ask to receive a reminder for your appointment by a call, text message or email.

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What to bring to your appointment

When you come to your appointment, bring:

  • your Veteran Card or Medicare card
  • your current medical records (if you are seeing this GP for the first time)
  • any questions or concerns you would like to discuss with your GP
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After you can no longer claim

Ongoing health checks

You can see your GP for regular health checks anytime, even if you can no longer claim for the one-off or annual Veterans’ Health Checks.

You can access Medicare benefits for these appointments and claim for some or all costs.

Medicare and bulk-billing

Many GPs bulk-bill which means your GP bills Medicare. You do not pay for bulk-billed appointments.

If your GP does not bulk-bill, you will need to pay for your appointment. You may be able to claim a proportion of this cost from Medicare. This is called a Medicare benefit.

See Medicare for what they cover and how to claim a benefit.

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For providers

We offer general practitioners (GPs) custom assessment tools to help assess a veteran's physical and mental health. See our Providers page for more information.

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