Anzac Day

Anzac Day is our national day of commemoration.
25 April marks the day that the Australian and New Zealand Army Corps landed at Gallipoli in 1915. 

Ceremonies in Australia

Anzac Day commemorations traditionally begin with dawn services around Australia. Services are held at the same time as the original Gallipoli landings in 1915 and to coincide with the military tradition of ‘stand to’ at dawn – the time often chosen to launch an attack. Soldiers in defensive positions were woken in the dark before dawn, so by the time first light crept across the battlefield they were awake, alert, and manning their weapons.

The National Anzac Day Dawn Service is held at the Australian War Memorial in Canberra.

Anzac Day services are held in cities and towns across Australia; many places also hold marches or parades for current and former serving personnel. Family members and descendants of service personnel may be involved. Marches are usually organised by the Returned & Services League (RSL) of Australia or local Ex-service or community organisations.

Ceremonies overseas

Anzac Day commemorations are also held around the world. Internationally, DVA-led Anzac Day services are held in in Türkiye and France. Other services internationally are also held in locations where Australians have served or are currently serving.  

Australians and New Zealanders gather at a Dawn Service at Gallipoli in Türkiye, where Australian and New Zealand forces landed on 25 April 1915. This was the beginning of an eight month campaign that cost the lives of more than 8,700 Australians, some 2,700 New Zealanders and tens of thousands of Turkish soldiers.
Australians also attend the Dawn Service at the Australian National Memorial outside Villers-Bretonneux in France, a town recaptured by Australian and British troops on Anzac Day 1918, during a period of crisis for the Allies on the Western Front.  

Adjacent to the Australian National Memorial, the Sir John Monash Centre tells Australia’s story of the Western Front through a series of interactive media installations and immersive experiences. 

Increasingly, people are making pilgrimages to attend services in other significant Australian wartime locations such as Hellfire Pass in Thailand, Sandakan in Malaysia and Isurava in Papua New Guinea. 

Anzac Day Commemorative services

Ticketing information

Organise a ceremony

Many Anzac Day ceremonies are based on an established and simple Order of Service. The service can be easily adapted to suit particular groups and there is flexibility in the choice of prayers, readings and poems. 

To make organising an event easier, whether an official local ceremony or a service at home, DVA has developed a free, downloadable Kitbag. The Kitbag includes sample speeches, music and hymns, the Ode of Remembrance, commemorative activities for children and more.

Anzac Day posters

DVA produces posters each year to commemorate Anzac Day and other significant wartime anniversaries and service. The posters reflect the department’s commitment to engage the community with Australia’s wartime history, and to raise awareness of the service and sacrifice of Australian service men and women in wars, conflicts and on peace operations. The posters are delivered in the annual commemorative packages, are available to download from the Anzac Portal, and printed copies are available from

Facts and Figures


  • More than 103,000 Australian military personnel have lost their lives in wars, conflicts and peace operations.

Commemorations in Australia

  • National Anzac Day Dawn Service at the Australian War Memorial, Canberra, which is broadcast live.
  • Dawn Services in communities around the country, usually organised by local RSLs or ex-service organisations.
  • Marches or parades – usually organised by the RSL.    

DVA-managed or supported commemorations overseas

  • Gallipoli, Türkiye, which is broadcast live
  • Villers-Bretonneux, France, which is broadcast live
  • Hellfire Pass, Thailand
  • Sandakan, Malaysia
  • Isurava, Papua New Guinea

Other commemorations overseas

  • Australian embassies and high commissions around the world conduct their own Anzac Day ceremonies. For more information visit  DFAT website.


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